Favorite Season

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I went back to my room with the enevlope and all the papers. I want to remmeber this part of my life I had blocked out.

September 15, 2003          Session 13

Kennedie perfers to write things down rather that talk to me. She seems to be a little happier after being put on antidepessaints. She is still having trouble making friends at school but has created an imagary one called Abbie. Today I tried again to ask her how she felt about her family and the car crash. To get her to talk out her feelings. Kennedie only reponsed with 'it happened in summer'.  So I asked her to write about her favorite season.

"My favorite season is fall. Why fall? It's fall because its the best. Fall has the best tempeture. I like it under the trees in autumn because everything is half dead. The wind moves the leaves and repeats words without meaning. Some ask why not spring where everything comes alive. It's a simple answer. Spring is followed by summer when everyone dies."

I had drawn a sad face with X's for eyes.

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