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marcelo seems so sweet and funny.
ace rustles around her bag trying to find her phone. her hands are shaky and her head feels like its spinning. "come on, come on Cristian." she mutters to her self in the bathroom of the bar as she waits for her best friend to pick up the phone, although its a slim chance Cris would ever answer at 2 in the morning. to ace's surprise, Cristians lazy morning voice answers the phone with a cold "what ace?" "Cris, i just kissed marcelo." ace says as her voice trembles, through the phone she can hear Cristian go speechless. stumbling over words for a minute Cristian finally finds words "Ace. there is no way you are still breathing. you just kissed your best friend?" For a backstory, ace and marcelo have know each other since they were 3 years old through their moms and have basically grown up together with the same dream, to make it as a professional football player. ace, shot down with shock running through her body, she says "can you come get me?" immediately she heard Cristian get up as she goes "ohhh, ace of course girly." after ace texted Cris where she was, she sat in the bathroom, her head pounding aware that shes probably caused a massive line outside the womens restroom, shes still in shock. she doesnt even remember how it happened, one minute marcelo was complimenting ace's dress and the next their lips were plastered together. ace had never kissed marcelo before, they had just never thought about their friendship becoming a relationship. Cristian was sitting outside the bar honking the horn as ace ran out and hopped into the front seat unaware marcelo noticed her hoping into the getaway car (tswizz refrence 😘.) the next day ace wakes up to a note on her beside table, its from marcelo. as she opens it and begins to read her heart is warmed by its contents,
Dear Ace, j noticed you running out the bar last night and i noticed how long you waited in the bathroom for Cristian to get here. im sorry if i've made things between us awkward now or made you feel weird but you have to know my feelings for you. over the past few years of our careers taking off, i've developed a thing for you. you make me so happy every time you walk into a room. wether you've just woken up, or are going out you look stunning. you have such a killer smile and the best personality ever. take this as me asking you to be my girlfriend. lots of love as always, marcelo.
Ace sits there staring at the words she can't comprehend it. marcelo. marcelo is in love with me? no dont be an idiot he never said that. or did he imply it? ugh i hate love sometimes. freaking out ace runs to her car, shes going to Marcelo's house not a clue what shes going to say but a heart full of love. as she knocks on the door she feels a twist in her stomach. "what in the world am i doing..." "why am j here again?" all her thoughts were put to a pause when shes greeted with Marcelos face. there he was, smiling at her all bright and cheery. she turns red. "hey..." is all she can spit out of the whirlpool in her stomach. "hey. so did you read my letter yet?" he asks. "yeah. yeah i did. i... it was really sweet." ace said shaking and redder than a tomato leaving marcelo holding back millions of giggles. "well ace?" he said. ace stayed silent creating a awkward moment between the two of them. "well... i thought i about it on the way down. i ran over here right after i read it. i think your a really sweet person and-" she starts but pauses for a moment when she notices marcelos face drop. "whats wrong?" she asks. "you said im a really nice guy. these things never end well when a girl starts like that." he says. ace giggles at his answer and continues "marce, ive had feeings

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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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real madrid imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें