Circles Part 5

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                                                                                          That's it. 

Was the first thing Vegetta thought when he saw that Foolish was gone. It had been over a week of him leaving very early without saying goodbye, or taking his armor, and he needed to know what was going on. The dark haired man quickly brushed out his hair, and made sure Leonarda was still asleep, before slipping armor on, grabbing his backpack and walking out of the tower, locking the door behind him. Vegetta started his walk to find Foolish, who was most likely at the dragon, like usual. 

As Vegetta walked, he started to think about what he would tell Foolish- Would he even listen to him? Foolish was a very stubborn guy sometimes, but never usually was with his family, but when it came to building? Pretty much no one could get him to do something else until he was done- That was why Vegetta was nervous. Hopefully Foolish would listen to him.. Would he understand that Vegetta only wanted the best for his lover? That was the thing with Vegeta, he only always wanted the best for his loved once, he would sacrifice himself if he had to. So as he walked, that's what he thought about, what would he tell Foolish.. Well he would have to think about it on the spot, because right in front of him, was the huge dragon build. 

Foolish was working on his dragon, stopping frequently to calm down the spinning in his head. After a minute, he looked up, hearing someone calling his name. "Foolish?" The voice called. Foolish looked around, before looking down, seeing the black haired man. "Oh! Hey Vegetta!" He called, walking down the dragon, scooping Vegetta into his arms. "What are you doing here? Where's Leo?" Foolish asked, his green eyes sparkling somewhat. "Oh, uhm-" Vegetta took a breath. "Okay, we need to talk about this obsession with this dragon build of your-" The smaller of the two started. Foolish tilted his head slightly. "I wouldn't call it an obsession- Just- A hobby, yeah-! A hobby-" It somewhat sounded as if Foolish was trying to convinced himself that it was just a hobby as well- 

"Foolish. Everyday when I wake up and look over for you, you aren't there. What is there, you ask? Your armor." Vegetta started. "When our daughter walks in, asking for her dad, what do I have to say? 'He's not here, hija, he'll be back later tonight..' Foolish. Your family wants you home, we need you home.."

Vegetta's eyes looked sad as he said this, and looked as if he was about to cry. That got to Foolish, the tall totem froze, looking at how sad the smaller man in front of him looked, he suddenly pulled him into a hug, tears falling from his eyes. "I-I.. I'm so so sorry, mi amor.." Foolish whispered, hugging Vegetta in a tight hug. "Ack- I-It's okay, my love- How about- You hug me less tight..?" The black haired man softly asked, taking a breath from the bear hug. "S-Sorry- I just feel really bad.." Foolish whispered, as his boyfriend gently wiped his tears.  "Foolish, I love you so so much, so does Leo.. You know we only want the best for you.." Vegetta softly told him. 


                             And right under the beautiful sunset, the two shared a gentle kiss..

AN: Hey!! Sorry that my updates have been coming so slow-! I just finished my softball for a bit, so I should have more time to be writing!(when I get the motivation lmaoo) I'll be doing one more chapter for this story, just an ending:D Thank you all for reading!!!

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