Circles P.1

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A small tug was felt on Vegettas sleeve, causing him to look down. When he looked down, he saw his little child, Leonarda.  "Leo? What is it, amor?" Vegetta asked, getting onto a knee to look at his worried child. 

"I think theres something wrong with Dada-" Leo wrote in their notebook, and showed Vegetta, who frowned and tilted his head slightly. "What do you mean..?" He asked, now worried about Foolish. "He keeps talking about circles.." Leo wrote. "Circles? What do you mean Leo?" Vegetta was now sitting, and Leo sat down in his lap. "I was with him today, we were going to find some diamonds for you, so you could get better armor, and we just kept going in circles. I told him that we were going circles, and all he did was nod, and start talking about them.." Leo wrote, rubbing his eye with the back of his hand. 

Vegetta frowned. "Eso no suena como el en absoluto.."(That doesn't sound like him at all..) He muttered, running a hand through his dark hair. "Where is he right now?" Leo shrugged slightly, leaning back onto his fathers chest. "Probably at the dragon.." The child wrote slowly, as Vegetta watched over his shoulder. Vegetta nodded slowly. "Should we go find him?" He asked, and a nod came from Leo as the child stood up, with Vegetta shortly after. "You go find your armor mi amor." The dark haired man told his child, who nodded and ran off. 

This was not normal behavior for Foolish. Foolish was always so caring, sweet, and loving. He always made sure that Leo was okay, and not scared. It was something with the dragon he was building, and Vegetta knew it. Vegetta looked over at where his and Foolish's armor stands were, and noticed that Foolish's was still there. A frown appeared on Vegettas face soon after. It wasn't like Foolish to leave without his armor, even during the day he would still be wearing it, or at least the boots he gave him. (yk the wall climbing ones) Moments later, Leonarda came back out, with all her armor on. "Ready to go, Mi Nina..?" He asked, as Leonarda nodded, running out of the tower Vegetta had started to build on the first day, that soon became all of their home on the day of adopting Leo. 

A/N: Hi! Second Fooligetta fanfic lmao. Sorry if my writings not the best, I'm still pretty new to writing- This one it gonna have more chapter than the last one did, so I know there will at least be three, maybe four if I get more ideas- I also wanted to say, thank you all so much for 40+ reads on Forever together! I hope this one does well also lmao. Have a good day and thanks for reading! You can expect the next part in around 1-2 days, so just keep an eye out:D Bye bye!

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