[37] take up all my mind

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by now everyone knew my situation.

well not really everyone, just my family and the three guys i trust with my life. but lewandowski and gündogan were left confused that night but they somehow put the pieces together.

maybe it was a bad idea reuniting them.

they won't stop coming up to me at practice saying things like, "take it from us when we say just focus on yourself. build yourself and stay active! work out all that pain that he's causing!" and honestly, it's better than me drinking, which i've stopped by the way.

besides that, it's been a little over a week since our pre-season and i'm already getting back into the normality of everything.

my dad, mom, and i even started going on runs again.

except i'd ramble about pedri and although they're my parents love me to death, i know i shouldn't bombard them any longer. but they promise they don't mind and let me speak whatever's on my mind. but i swear i'll stop.

it isn't until we wrap another evening session and you can see the stars by now. "que van acer mañana? (what're you guys doing tomorrow?)"

"catch up on my shows."

"probably head down to the beach."

"we should rent jet ski's!" i wish i had what mapi and ingrid had.

when do they not spend their time together? it's really cute and everyone knows it.

we all talk about our plans as we approach the bench where all our stuff is and to get a drink. "les acuerdo que es día libre mañana y les esperamos el domingo en la mañana! (i'm reminding you all that tomorrow's a free day and we'll see you guys sunday morning!)"

asking for the whole weekend sounds like too much but it sound so nice right about now.

everyone's talking to each other before we call it a night and my dad comes up to me with the keys. "no me da la gana manejar. (i don't feel like driving)"

well it's not like i can say no.

i laugh at him and get my bag before i see him getting into conversation with xavi which means we're gonna be here awhile. so i make myself comfortable and sit on the bench, digging my hand into my bag for my phone.

but it's not there.

"what the fuck?" i swear it was in here. but i panic and start scrambling, looking around to see if it fell, but nothing.

i try to retrace my steps and remember i was in the lounge before training had started from coming in early.

so i make my way down when i see the last of my friends. "by any chance, did anyone see my phone?" i'm genuinely gonna be upset if i lost it. "no? you lost it?" geyse asks and i nod. "i can stay and help you find it." but it's the weekend and i wanna give them a head start to it. "what no, it's fine. i'll look and if i can't, that's also fine."

they check if it's okay one last time before they leave. it's my fault and i'm not gonna hold them hostage here for who knows how long while i panic looking for it.

cruel summer | PEDRI GONZALEZ Where stories live. Discover now