[59] approval

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"vamos comer afuera? (we're gonna eat outside?) " the guys were helping me with the last of plates, meanwhile all my brothers did was follow us back and fourth in and back outside. "yeah so could you please move your balls and  boots away and put them in the cubby?"

it's the third time i told mateo and ciro and thiago was just now hearing the sternness in my voice so he ushered the two to put them away. "gracias, amor. (thanks, love)"

i love watching thiago grow up.

he's becoming more helpful with the other two as the days go and we're all starting to notice. it'll slowly start making it less of a hassle.

"es todo? (that's all?)" pedri asks with the rest and i nod my head. "yeah you guys can sit i'm gonna help my dad cut the last of everything."

but pedri would never let me do that.

"what no, i'm coming with."

"but i need someone to watch my little brothers. the grill is still-"

"you have three babysitters behind us. i'll help you." i look up at him with uncertainty but i've trusted my friends before, i can do it again. so i grab pedri's hand and yell out before going inside. "watch them for me!"

"LIKE A HAWK!" we'll see about that.

pedri laughs and holds my hand all the way into the kitchen with my dad. "te olvidó el tomate en la ensalada. (you forgot the tomato in the salad)"

my dad spun around and slapped his hand on his forehead. "por eso se miro tan plano! (that's why it looked so plain!)" i hadn't even realized pedri was already washing them and bringing out a cutting board.

"i don't want you to get a cut, i'll do it."

"but i've done this before!"

"well now you don't have to!" will i ever get to as long as he's around is another good question.

i thank him and help my dad get the rest of everything out the oven. "ya llamaste a tu mama? (did you already call your mom?)"

"en la mañana. (in the morning)"

yeah remember when i said he's only ever allowed to use the grill when she's gone? we meant it. "lo que se pierde! (what she misses!)" he's not wrong, he's never burned anything anyways.

"done." pedri says all of a sudden and my dad and i look as his dumps it in the bowl. "que rápido. (how fast)" my dad points out the same thing i was thinking. but pedri doesn't say anything and stands there with a faint smile before i take it out too.

"that's all, right papa?!"

"todo! (everything!)" he yells back with the tray and ciro and mateo immediately prop themselves on their knees on their chair when they see my dad.

"siéntense. (sit down)" i warn quietly but sternly which receives a laugh from my friends.

"go easy on them." pedri tells me and i hadn't even realized his chest was against my back. "but they act like the food's going anywhere." that only makes him laugh and my dad who makes sure everything is off on the grill.

cruel summer | PEDRI GONZALEZ Where stories live. Discover now