why be together?

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Quick note! There is bl00d discretion in this chapter! And death threats! Please read with caution! Enjoy!!!

Test tube got up from her desk. She laughed a little. She actually started laughing alot. She laughed manically. "I'm starting to lose myself even though I'm only 1 experiment in?! Wow..." She said to herself.

She stood there with her hands resting on her desk. She has a plan, just had to figure out how to go through with it. She stood there staring at the computer screen. The time was 4pm. She looked at everyone. Apple was sleeping next to marshmallow, who was dozing off slowly. The lightbulb was passed out. She lied there. Paintbrush was huddled up in a corner of the room. Fan was passed out in his room. She counted everyone.

"1...2...3..4...5. wait." She paused. "One,two,three,four,five." She said again. "Wait.." she looked around the screen. Yinyang was nowhere to be found. She flipped through the cameras, but they were at the wrong angles. She moved one of them, in lightbulbs room, which was closest to the door. It was hard to notice, but at the bottom right corner, she could see a ball. A black and white ball with something in its hand. "What the hell is that.." she got up and walked out of the office, grabbing something from behind the door.

She enters the password to the rooms. When she opens it, she is hit with something, and then punched. She fell to the floor, making a loud thud sound. "YOU THINK YOU CAN TRAP US HERE?!" Yang yelled, raising his hand up in a fist as if he were to punch test tube again. He goes in for the punch, but test tube grabs his fist, and twists his arm, it makes a painful crunch sound. Which made him yell in pain. She picked him up and threw him over her back, standing up as she did so. He fell to the ground making a thud.

"So, give up?" She asks, her right eye closed, with a small crack covering her eye. Yinyang stands up, crouching as he stands. He ran for test tube. She doges out the way, making him hit the wall. She grabbed the bat she left outside the room. She held it above her head, and swung. It made a painful sounding thwack as the wooden bat made contact with yinyangs back. They both screeched in pain. Yin started to cry, but yang appeared to be holding back tears.

Yang's pov:

Everything hurts. My Arm feels broken. I dont know if this is real. I'm holding back tears to appear strong, but in actuality, I'm in so much pain. And she did this to me. She is the one who did this.

Yins pov:

Why did I agree to this? Everything hurts. I didn't even get hurt that bad, and I'm in so much pain. I think she broke yang's arm. My back hurts like hell. I can't take it. I feel the tears roll down my face, and onto the ground in a small puddel.

Paintbrushs pov:

I go wide eyed. I can't tell if I just witness this happen. I blink rapidly to see if I'm dreaming. I pinch my thigh. I felt the pain of the pinch, It wasn't a dream. I have my knees to my chest, I feel the warmth of my tears on my wooden skin. She doesn't notice me. She doesn't. I watch as she drags yin-yang out of the room. I start hapervebtaling I can't breath. "Breath no! Yin- breath yang!" I yelled.

Test tube pov:

I drag yinyang out the room and close the door behind me. I walk down the hallway and into the medical room. They are fine! Who am I kidding?! Yang has a broken arm. Garentted. And there will be a bad bruise on there back for a while.

No pov:

Test tube sets them down on the bed. "Kill yourself." Yang says in tears. "Shut up and let me help you out." Test tube says, scrambling through a cabinet. Yang went silent. "Why are you doing this test tube..?" Yin asks in a small voice.

"Well, when you guys walked in, all I could think of about you, was, why be together? Since last time I split you guys, which was chaotic, I decided to do it again! But you guys have changed and developed. So behavior issues shouldn't be a problem. And, I also want to know how you guys work. So, uh, you will be cut open and I will be looking at your brain! Brains..?" Test tube says putting a surgical mask on. "NO!" yang yelled. Test tube looks at them, remote in hand. Yang calms down immediately. "And... Best part! You have the choice to be awake or not during the entire thing!! So, the choice is yours."

"Uh... Can.. we be asleep..?" Yin asks. "Ughhh fine...." She grabs the anitheghia. "Just breath." "You... Know what your doing.... Right..?" Yang asks. "Well, kinda." Test tube says. "K-kinda..?!" Yin yelled at her. "Shhhh just breath..." She said as yinyang went to sleep. "Oh my god finally! Jesus Christ..." Test tube grabs her surgical mask, gloves and tools needed.

Time skip. 1 hour later.
Test tube pov:

"Log date. 12/30. Time? About... 5:30. Subject? Y-Y12. So, this is actually getting quite frustrating! I can't figure out how they actually function! But, what I gathered, they have a separate brain, that is also shared... In a way. Well, if they wanted to, they can here each others thoughts. And can talk to each other in their minds! It's incredible! And very exciting! I've never seen something like this! So, it's exciting but frustrating! And... I have some news! I found the potion to make them into two! I have some left! It was really surprising! But don't worry, I have a backup plan. Also, in a couple weeks, I will be moving them to one room. I will let them keep their things that are in there rooms, and if they have good behavior, they can keep the box! Well, I should start stitching y-y12 up, update you, later."

I click the button to pause it. I got a tape recorder thing! It's to log experiments! It will be useful and fun! I'm just gonna stitch them up, give them the drink, and then move on!

With the rest of them
Paintbrush pov

I'm still scared. But I here groans of lightbulb waking up. "What... What happened..?" She asks, sitting up. "Test tube took yin yang." I say, wiping tears from my eyes. "Oh cool.... Wait. WHAT?!" She yelled. "Yeah... I'm too scared to leave the spot I'm at." I say. "Painty..." See gets up and walks to me, lifting me to my feet. "Wanna see if the door is unlocked?" She says. "Wh-what?! Why would it be..?" I ask. "Just come on!" She drags me to the door, she gives me a look of reassurance, and sure enough, when I pushed the door, I opened slowly. I look at lightbulb with a happy, shocked look on my face. I walk out slowly. I stepped into the hallway. The shiny tile floor under my feet. It was extremely cold. Probably colder than it was outside.

"Pst painty!" I hear lightbulb whisper. I turn around. "What?" She points to a double door beside me. I look at it. "Wanna go in?" She asks me. "It looks like a bad idea..." I say. "Come on! We will be back, she won't even notice were gone!" She says walking to the door. "Fine..." I reluctantly follow her to the door, we push it open, and it was just a small hallway, with stairs at the end. We look at eachother, and race up the stairs. We get to the top, and there was another hallway, not as short as the last one, that led to another door. I push it open with no hesitation.

I look around the room, I see files, a monitor actually 3 monitors, and a tape recorder on a desk. There is a mattress, no sheets, just a blanket with a pillow and stuff animal... The desktops are open to carams, and one with a file. There was a paper file on her desk. I walk closer, and see a file on yinyang. It was labeled, Y-Y12. Once I read the first paragraph that was labeled 'plans' I stumbled back in shock. "What?" Lightbulb asks walking over to me. She read the paper.

"No way she would do this..." She says, covering her mouth. "Let's get out of here. Know!" I say, grabbing the tap recorder as I run to the door. We bulted down the stairs and back into the room. I place the recorder in the toy box thing at the very bottom.

Test tube pov:

"Ugh... Wake up!" I shake one of them. "Huh..?" Yin slowly opens his eyes. "Ow..." "Good your not dead!" I say in relief. Yang wakes up. He starts freaking out. As expected... "AH! WHERE AM I? YIN? YIN?!" "I'm right here, turn." Yin says. Yang turns to him, his face dropping. "Y-yin..?" He reaches from his hospital bed. "Chill, I septated you guys. Let's get back to you guys room shall we?" I say, opening the door, holding it open for them. "And if you want to know about your procedure, please ask! And don't.even.try running. You saw what happened to fan." I say, walking. "No... I'm good I don't wanna know anything..." Yang says. He sounds... Different? I don't know... Something is... Off.

We arrive at the entrance, I unlock the door, and push them inside. "Okay okay, you should know the drill, be careful with them, they are still freaked out." I say, shutting the door behind me. I here muffled voices of, "are you two okay?" And, "what happened?!" And, "oh my god..." I walk back into my office, I sense something is... Different. But I can't place my finger on it... Oh well! I'll find out later.

OMGA!! REAL QUICK, I WAS SUPPOSED TO POST THIS YESTERDAY IM SO SORRY 😭😭 but anyway, Hey guys!! Happy back 2 school season. Yay. But anywho, this chapter if FINALLY done. Hope you guys like it, I worked really hard on this!! Sorry for no art, I just didn't wanna. Alright, so hope you guys enjoy. Luv y'all!!! <333


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