The Meet

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Chapter two: The Meet

Ruthie was laying in her bed since she had a empty front room. The meeting went smoothly. It was just to discuss how things worked in Crossroads, her pay, and housekeeping. Nothing to serious. Dinner was great. The food was fantastic but she was very overwhelmed with meeting so many people at once..

There was a soft knock on the door. It was late. She couldn't figure out who would be knocking unless it was Lucy or Kevin. Probably Kevin if it was anyone, Lucy would be home getting the kids settled down for the night.

She learned that Lucy and a Kevin built their house on some land right outside of crossroads.  She open the door and couldn't believe who was on the other side.

" Whoah . I definitely wasn't expecting you" what are you doing here" she came across slightly rude but she was shocked.

" Ruthie, I can't believe it's really you. Well I'm here because I live here and have for at least a year now and well... "

Ruthie couldn't  believe what she was hearing " Martin, it's good to see you but wow nobody told me you lived here now"

" I think your sister wanted to take us by surprise. I didn't know you was the one they hired to be my co- leader" Martin explained and gave Ruthie a warm Smile .

" Martin, since we will be working together we should probably talk. Come in. " than she realized she had no here for them to sit and talk " Martin noticed

" I'm your neighbor again. Why don't you come with me and we can talk in my place. I'll brew some coffee"

Ruthie was a little unsure and it was written all over her face. " Sure, we can um talk in your front room. "

" Ruthie I would never take advantage of you.  We really do need to talk" Ruthie followed him into his Apartment which was right next to hers. It was going to be interesting and challenging for awhile.

Ruthie looked around. It was the same size of her apartment but his was painted in blues and grey colors. It was very neat and clean.

"'Wow Martin I wasn't expecting it to be so clean in here "

" I have a maid " he joked. Ruthie took a seat on his sectional. It took up a lot of room but it fit the small space . He asked her how she wanted her coffee. Handed her a mud and sat down in the other end of the sectional to be polite. He didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

" so why was you knocking on my door" she asked him.

" Kevin called me and suggested that I come introduced myself. Your family is very sneaky. He didn't tell me it would be you"

Ruthie nodded at him in agreement. " well I will be sure talking with Lucy tomorrow. She taking me shopping for my apartment"

" Ruthie, why are you here at crossroads. Last I heard you was with T- Bone headed off to college after the family Road-trip?"

Martin could tell he made her a little uncomfortable than added" I didn't mean to come off rude or anything"

" it's okay I mean we should probably get all this out since we will be working together. T- Bone and I had broke up and k haven't had much contact with the rest of my family the last few years. Lucy knew I wanted a fresh start and well here I am"

Marin took a sip of his coffee thinking about how he should reply. " Your to good for him and your gonna love it here even with the ups and downs. Guess I should share why I am here"

" I am curious. I would think you would be playing baseball" Ruthie was very curious how Someone like Martin ended up here

" I just felt kinda lead here. Kevin thought I be foos with the youth and could even coach a youth baseball league. College didn't feel right. I'm much happier here. I work with the youth and take done follow college courses"

Ruthie thought for a moment. She knew there was more to it than that..

Martin very quietly added" I found out that Aaron isn't mine. I was crushed. "

" Wait is Simon the father than. Oh I'm sorry Martin that must of been very hard"

" Would be little better if Simon was but nope it's some random dude she had a one night stand with" Martin told her.

" You made a great Dad Martin and you will again someday."

Martin looked at Ruthie studying her for a moment" maybe, you seem so different. Ruthie... what happen with T- Bone. Do you trust me enough still to tell me"

Ruthie sign " well guess we are going to just let it all out tonight. I'll tell you but it's a lot and please don't tell Lucy"

" I'm not going to tell anyone In your family Anything. My words still stand. That day in the hospital"

Ruthie remain quiet for a minute. " Martin I'm not ready to talk about the hospital but I regret mr decision to choose T-Bone. I like us to at least be friends again than who knows. We need to be good with each  other to make good co- leaders"

"Okay. I can't. Respect that"

" After the family road trip which was disastrous. T- Bone and I made some bad choices. I went against my parents and well we moved in together. He wasn't helping much. I had to put of college. We got a dump that was overpriced. Used all our savings and college funds to buy that Dodge Durango you probably seen."

" Ruthie that not bad in some people eyes. Well the living together part is normal but you should of went to college. You threw it away for T-Bone right"

Ruthie went on to explain" I know but it gets worst Martin"

" okay tell me . I'm here for you Ruthie"

" So you know since we was living together we started sleeping together . It was horrible. It didn't feel right. I know this sounds so bad and out of character for me but Sex with T-Bone was awe full! He wouldn't work or keep a job long. I had to work full time to support us and pay our rent. I worked in a factory 40 plus hours a week just to survive and get away from

" You mean to tell me that little Ruthie Camden worked in a factory" he teased.

" I did and it was exhausting. I worked as much as I could. I had to start hiding money because T-Bone would blow it all on alcohol and junk. He was always found out with friends. I soon learn he was taking our other girls on money I worked my butt off for so I have a account he doesn't know about. I was working, hiding money, he was wasted all the time"

Matin wanted to kill T-Bone. Ruthie didn't deserve to be done this way " what made you choose to leave him"

" I came home from work one night to find him in our bed with not one naked girl but two girls. They was drugged out and so was he.  We had a huge fight and he slapped me. I couldn't do it anymore. I was done with it all and he didn't want help. He didn't want to be better.  I took the Durango and ran".

" I'm so sorry Ruthie you didn't deserve that. Any of that. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it. T Bone doesn't look like the type to having woman fan with over him"

Ruthie laughed a little " He isn't but like I said they was found drugs so they probably thought he was Hott stuff or something"

Martin laughed" Well he isn't. So what does Lucy know"

Ruthie was glad to be taking to Martin she missed him and knew she made a mistake pushing him away that day in the hospital. " She only knows that he cheated on me and that I left"

Martin took her empty mug and refilled it. The hott coffee smelled amazing. " thanks"

" I really missed you Ruthie. " Martin was so glad to have her here with him. The love of his life that slipped away. He should of fought for her

" Me to Martin.. I know we have so much to catch up on but I'm tired and Lucy dragging me around tomorrow morning. Could we meet tomorrow night and leave the heavy stuff being and talk about the job. I'm clueless about it"

Martin smiled and walked her to the door " absolutely.. we do need to discuss work. I would love too. Good night Ruthie"

" Goodnight Martin" she left. Martin couldn't believe of all places he would see Ruthie again would be here in Crossroads..

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