First day

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taylor got accepted at hexide
she wasnt that excited for it because she didnt like the idea of being stuck for 5+ hours in a place full of people
her dad told her to go to bed early so he can drop her off at hexide later in the morning

Taylor went into her room and she set her alarm to wake her up early
then she went in a deep sleep


taylor jumped up immediately being starteld
"YOUR FIRST DAY AT HEXIDE" her dad sighed
"Just get ready already"
taylor jumped out of bed "okay dont worry i will"
taylor's dad smiled and then left her room
taylor went and got ready


"alright kiddo here we are"
"so this is hexide?" taylor said as she looked at the big building infront of her
she got off her dad staff
"so you like the place?"
"its big"
"of course it is its a school it have to big for all the students there"
"hm okay" taylor replied she have never went to a school this is was ber first time she was a little confident

taylor said bye to her dad and she went inside as she entered the school suddenly everyones eyes shifted to her
taylor froze for a second then she continued walking her confidence immediately faded when everyone looked at her
"what the fuck why are they looking at me?"
taylor said in her head
she was confused on why everyone was staring at her
until a kid came up to her
"youre the new student right?"
"uh yeah?" Taylor replied
the kid stared at her
taylor got uncomfortable and said
"why are you staring at me like that"
"are you..."
"okay?" The kid replied
"of course i am, why did you ask me this anyway"
the kid pointed at taylors left eye which had a scar under
"oh" taylor said
"where did you get that scar...?"
taylor got uncomfortable immediately at that question
because she didnt have an answer to that question she always wondered why did she have it and how did she get it
she always wondered about it
"uhmm..." taylor said while slightly backing away and looking at the ground
The kid realised how uncomfortable he got taylor so he left

now taylor knew why everyone at the school was staring at her
it was because of her scar


"so student we will be having a suprise exam"
the class groaned
they all looked upset
"why would they be upset this is the coven they choosed" taylor wondered as she looked around at the class everyone had a frown except one person
a girl
she had green dyed hair
yellow eyes
she was quite smug she seemed confident

"alright class so i want you to make a small abomination that could carry this pencil
everyone well go turn by turn and showcase their abomination"

taylor made her abomination and waited for her turn
she saw as everyone failed
"wow whyd the choose the abomination track if they werent good at it?"
she wondered

The teacher sighed "taylor agnethem"
The teacher called taylor name
As taylor was standing up the green haired girl stood up and said "may i go before her sir?, im sure you dont want to see another dissapointment after another, let her go after me"
Taylor got annoyed by her comment
"alright amity you can go before her"
"so that shithead is called amity?" Taylor said in her haid as she sat back down leaning against her chair and crossing her arms as she looked annoyed at amity
amity looked back smugly at her thrn she went to showcase her abomination

amity got s full mark

"alright taylor your turn"
taylor stood up with her abomination on her hands she placed the abomination downat the desk and ordered it to pick up the pencil
the abomination did that easily
"well good jo-"
the teacher was cut off by taylor
"uh can i like do something more?"
"hmm sure go ahead"
the teacher said as he looked curious on what taylor was gonna make the abomination do
the abomination suddenly threw the pencil across the room and impaling the wall
the teacher and the students were suprised
"that's impressive!"
"I have never seen anything likes this ever!"
"how did you make an abomination this small be able to throw the pencil across the classroom like that?"
"well uh i have my own ways i guess"
taylor said as she rubbed the behind of her neck
The teacher looked at amity who was in shock
"Well amity you have a new competitor"
the teacher said
amity looked pissed


After the class taylor went to her locker as she was trying to figure out how does the locker worked someone suddenly slammed their hand on it making taylor jump
taylor turned around to look at the person who slammed their hand on taylors locker
"oh its you"
there was amity standing looking pissed but not as pissed as she was when she was in class
"well hello there"
amity said
Taylor got weirded she wasnt the best at socialising
"uh hi?"
"so your the new student arent you"
"well how did you do it"
amity cutoff taylor
the most thing taylor hated is being cutoff
taylor looked at her slightly annoyed by the cutoff
"do what?"
"oh dont act dumb you probably cheated"
"huh?" Taylor was confused on what amity was saying
"oh the exam your abomination"
"Now admit that you cheated"
"but i didnt?"
"yes you did"
"well then how'd you do it"
"uh well im bad at explaining i dont think you'll understand"
"oh come one i will"

Amity infact did not understand a thing taylor said
the only thing that resulted from tnat explantion is a headache for amity
"i told you im bad at explaining"
"whatever, anyway whats your name?"
"yeah i know its taylor i meant your family name dumbass"
"why do you want to know that?"
"just tell me"
"well its taylor agnethem"
"oh well your the child of the person who started working with my dad"
"i guess?"
taylor didnt know what amity was talking about
"so whats your family name?"

amity paused

"You dont know who i am?"
taylor shook her head

amity looked taylor in the eyes with the most suprised confusedish expression

taylor said
"You seriously dont know who i am?"
"oh please stop joking your jokes arent funny"
"im serious"
"what rock have you been living under"
"Well that just brought back a bad memory"
taylor said in her head

amity took a deep breath
"i am amity blight"
"Dosent that sounds familiar to you?"
"well i only know the company my dad partnershipped with nothing else"
amity stopped herself and looked at taylor
"are you okay?"
"well you dont seem to know much"
"oh come on i just dont know your family it isnt a big deal"
"it is a big deal because everyone knows who i am"
"well i dont"
taylor said as she leaned against her locker
Amity sighed
suddenly the mouth of the locker opened and taylor fell into it
the locker closed it mouth
making taylor stuck half of her body out and the other half inside
taylor panicked as she struggled to get out
amity stood there so done with taylor
then she finnaly went and got the locker to open its mouth
Taylor got out looking truamatized
"well im never touching a locker ever again"
"how did you manage to do that"
"Your stupidity is on another level agnethem"
taylor said as she dusted herself off
amity rolled her eyes
suddenly a possum ran inside the school running towards taylor
taylor didnt notice it until it jumped on her
"oh wait your dads palisman"
taylor said before continuing the scream
"thats your dad palisman?"
"yeah its weird how its a possum"
"not suprised"
"what do you mean by that?"
"oh yknow what i mean"
taylor sighed as she followed the possum that was leading her to the exit of the school
"Where do you think your going"
"to my house after all school ended"
"Not so fast agnethem you have to admit that you cheated"
"I didnt i literally explained how i made the abomination do that"
"Thag explation didnt make sense"
"I told you i was bad at explaining"
"i know that you cheated!"
"ugh whatever"
Taylor said annoyed


after taylor got back home she layed in her bed got her scroll and the searched the name "Amity blight"
"huh so this is her"
"She looks like a bitch"
taylor said as she put her scroll on her nightstand and layed back in the bed

End of chapter one
Chapter two well be quite interesting
i tried making this one like good or interesting but idk

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