Chapter 79 - Kenneth

Start from the beginning

This is why I don't talk to these niggas.

"Let up, Tony. He's finally letting us in. We stand with him or against him. The important thing is that you know what you did. Now you just have to tell her. She's going to be hurt but the truth will stop her from overthinking and blaming herself. Just be ready for her response."

"I know it's not going to sit well with her but I'm going to tell her everything. I want y'all to know, just like I told my parents. No matter what happens, let it happen. I don't want anyone to be upset with her or anything. I deserve it."

"You're talking like she's gon' kill you or something."

"Ace, you have witnessed first hand all of the bullshit that I've done to her. I'm just being honest, I deserve to die behind half of the shit."

"Don't talk like that. Last thing you need to think, is Lay hurting you. She might make you wish that she would kill your ass but she'll never hurt you. Get that shit out of your head. You have a wife and kids to take care of, you can't be thinking like that."

"Ace is right. She'll never hurt you or let anyone else hurt you. Neither will we. Just make the shit right. What I'm seeing, it is a step in the right direction."

I get choked up but I clear my throat and shake off the overwhelming feeling of relief. I feel like I'm getting my friends back. My brothers.

"I have to figure out a way to keep her away from the cemetery for a few days."

"You already know who you need to talk to. You said you wanted her to be happy then move on and shit. He makes her happy. They are together all the time, I bet he can come up with something."

"How do you expect me to ask him, if she's always around? I want this to be a surprise."

"His mama is upstairs right now with the other old lady gangstas."

After thinking it over and getting my emotions under control, we leave the basement and I make my way to Ms. diamond. She's sitting outside on the patio with Nana and Ms. Estella.

"Well here comes the groom. Mijo, congratulations." (Darling.)

"Thank you, Ms. Estella. Thank you all for coming and for the gifts."

I take a deep breath.

"Boy, hurry up and say what you have to say. We were in the middle of something."

"Nana stop being so mean. I wanted to talk to Ms. Diamond."

"She's right there, talk."

"Nana, I wanted to talk to her alone."

"Juju, didn't I say we were in the middle of something?"

"Shirley, didn't the child just tell you to stop being mean. Besides, we are celebrating him today. Roman, you can speak freely around them, I'll tell them anyway."

Nana rolls her eyes at me and starts sipping on her drink.

"I want to do something special for Keo and Layla. I need at least two days to make it happen. I was hoping to get James info to see if we could get something set up."

They all have the biggest smiles on their faces.

"I absolutely love that idea, so I don't mind helping out. Preston is not going to answer your call if your number isn't saved. He does not carry his work phone on the weekends anymore. Let's give him a call off of mine."

She calls the number and puts it on speaker.

"Ma, what's wrong?"

He sounds like he is sleeping.

"Nothing is wrong. I need you to hear me out. Roman wants to speak with you, so I called you because I knew you wouldn't answer your phone."

"Since when? You called so you and yo' friends could be nosy. Pass him my number."

He hung up. Nana would have come, tracked my ass down, beat my ass, then called back and dared me to hang up again. Then beat my ass again for good measure.

"This damn boy."

"Well chica, we tried."

They started laughing and she gave me the number. I went to my office and called.

"What's up?"

"I have something special that I want to set up at Keo's grave?"

"What do you need from me?"

"The company needs at least two days to make it happen."

"Say less, when?"

"I'll have it completed by the end of the week. Anytime after that."

"We will be in Miami from the fourteenth to the sixteenth."

"I appreciate this, man."

"Don't worry about it. Over the last few weeks, I learned that you both need closure. I'm glad you're finally taking initiative. We both want her to finally have peace."

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