caught (pt.2)

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part 2 of 'caught,' if you havent read part 1, please go read it otherwise this
will make no sense 😭💗

enjoy <3

third person pov:

"Quit worrying about it, we'll be fine." Wilhelm was sat on the couch, watching as Simon paced back and forth across the sitting room for at least the seventh time in the last fifteen minutes. "I cant 'stop worrying,' about it Wille, because, I dont know if you know this, but your mom literally hates me." "She doesnt 'literally hate you,' Simme." The blonde boy rolled his eyes, as Simon stared at him. "Yeah right."

Malin, Wille's bodyguard, had been waiting outside for ten minutes. Due to the video that was released nearly two years ago now, Wille was no longer allowed travel on public transport. Although, if that was the case, he thought he shouldnt really be able to leave the house at all.

"No rush, but we need to hurry. My mother isnt really a big fan of people who arent punctual." "Oh shit, right-- one second." Hes that about five times, but Wille doesnt really care. If anything, he doesnt care at all. At this point, he wants to do everything he can to piss his mother off, even more. Of course, she still loves him, but does she actually like him? Thats the big question Wille truly wants to know.

"Okay, we can go now." Simon shoved his phone in his pocket, Wille standing up off the couch. "Alright, you sure you got everything?" "Mm.. I think so." Not wanting to waste anymore time, the two boys quickly made their way out the door. Malin waiting patiently in a 'totally-not-suspicious' looking black car.

Wilhelm opened the car door for Simon, both of them getting in the back.

"What did you both do this time?" Malin looking at them through the mirror. "I dont know." Wille chuckled, Malin grinning slightly. "If something did happen, you have to be more careful." The blonde lady began driving to the Palace, the rest of the car ride was silent. Wille and Simon occassionally sharing a few glances.


Finally, the car came to a stop. Parking neatly in a clean driveway. Malin opened her door, alone with the back door so the two boys could get out. "Thank you, Malin." "Thank you."

She smiled again, something she rarely does. "Of course, if you need anything I will be out here, Prince Wilhelm." He nodded, taking Simons hand proudly, leading him to the door.

"You ready?" Wille asked Simon, walking in the Palace doors. "To be honest-- no." The curly haired boy chuckled lightly, though, a hint of truth could be heard through his tone of voice. "Me too. We can do it together!" The taller smiled, leading Simon through random hallways Simon knew he would never remember.

Suddenly, they landed in front of a large door. What Simon can only assume is the Queens office. "Okay, dont be worried. Just think of it as a-- like a normal meeting with your teacher." "Yeah, except this teacher can expell me from the country." Simon said sarcastically. But both of them knew it was true.

Wilhelm hesitantly opened the door, the creaking door lingering through the halls.

What could be seen, was four large, tall bookshelves. Two on each side. A wooden desk in the middle, with two chairs on one side and one chair on the other. Kristina seemed to be working on her computer, given she had not noticed the two boys as they slowly crept in, sitting down in the comfortable chairs.

"Oh. Youre here." She furrowed her brows, looking Simon up and down as he sat up straight. "Alright, I assume you know why youre here." Kristina rubbed her temple, shutting off her computer. "Nope." Wille lied. He knew exactly why they were there. "Dont play dumb, Wilhelm." "No, I seriously dont know what youre talking about." Simon tried so hard to distract himself from letting out a laugh.

"Wilhelm." She said sternly, "Mama." Simon covered his mouth with his hand, looking over at Wille who already seemed to be smiling.  They both looked at eachother. Their eyes widening. Though, Kristina seemed to have caught on, "What-- what did you--" Wille was first to burst out in a fit of laughter.

"I dont get it, Wilhelm. This is a serious situation that needs to be addressed." She slammed her hands down on the table, Simons breathing uneven due to him trying his very best not to laugh. "Right, right I kn--" That was it for Wille, his laugh wasnt a normal laugh, no. It was a somewhat deformed laugh. Sounding like more of a cough than a laugh. Simon began laughing as well, more wheezing than laughing though.

Kristina stared at them, confused, and angry. Angry why they wont take this seriously. "Would you stop th--" Again, she got interrupted, by Wille laughing even louder than before. "I give up. We will talk about this another time." Simon covered his whole face with his hands.

"What am I going to do with you."

{{851 words}}

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