what's a girl gotta do to get a takeaway around here?

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i'd promised my mother that i would not rest until the i found the best culinary establishment in all of wilmslow. this promise was short lived as after about five minutes of walking in the rain in my converse and flimsy leather jacket, the very first chinese takeaway spot i saw was looking quite appealing. as i entered the almost empty restaurant i was met with the familiar smell of day old cooking oil and chicken balls.

the boy standing behind the counter looked to be about my age and seemed less than enthusiastic about his job. i suppose he would be pretty fit if he was a bit taller and grew out his hair... "hello?" my analysis of the boy was cut short when i realised i had zoned out and said mystery boy was attempting to take my order. "hi" is all i was able to come up with on the spot. "really great first impression bel, nice one" i thought to myself. "uhm can i please get two portions of fried rice and some sesame chicken?" i managed to tell the boy. "sure. i like your t-shirt by the way." this left me a bit flustered but i looked down and realised i was wearing my lcd sound system merch. "good taste" i told him. "yeah well real recognises real" he replied in a somewhat cocky tone. "i'm george by the way" he said. "im guessing by the accent you're not from here". "astute observation george" i replied. "my names bel, i just moved here from ireland". george looked me up and down in a way that i'm assuming he thought was sexy and said "well i guess i'll see you around then bel from ireland."

i sat in the dimly lit waiting area that consisted of two dirty stools and a tv from the 80's that was showing judge judy reruns. i was becoming increasingly invested in the court case between the owner of a ford f-150 and the unfortunate owner of a flattened cat when i head a commotion from the kitchen behind the counter. "matty i swear to god i'll fire you on the spot if you show up to work high again!" i heard from an ominous voice in the distance and then a skinny boy who i assume is matty came hurdling out with a bag full of takeaway with gaze on the floor. before i could grasp what has happened he had run into my unstable stool and knocked me over. "watch where you're going dickhead!" is what i shouted at the curly-haired boy who had just flattened me. "well maybe you shouldn't get in my way next time" said the boy who had yet to even look up and make eye contact with me. he continued on his path to the door and left without even an apology. while i collected myself and stood up i mumbled "what a prick" under my breath in disgust. i don't understand how some people can lack any sort of manners.
george then came out of the kitchen with my food and noticed i had been caught in the path of hurricane matty. "i'm sorry about him, he can be a dickwad when he wants." he apologised. "yeah i gathered that much." i replied as i took the bag containing my order and paid. "he's not normally that bad, i promise." george informed me.
at this point i just want to get home and i really could not care less about the psyche of that boy. "right." is what i said to george and i left the shitty establishment and made my way back to my new "home".

this chinese food better be good.

one thing in commonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora