My mother deserved so much more than what she was ever given. Sure, she had become Luna to a powerful race of beings, but at what cost? It broke my heart to see her slowly become a shell of the woman that she once was.

I would never follow in my father's footsteps. I would never treat anyone the way that my father treated my mother. I would find my mate one day. I would wait for her, for however long it took. And when I did find her I would put her on a pedestal. I would protect her with my life, and cherish her with my entire being. No matter what.

I forfeited the title, leading my father to give me an ultimatum. I would be given the chance to stay and become beta as my brother Ace ruled as Alpha or I would be banished from the pack.

How surprised they were when my brother refused as well. He had always been the more straight laced of us too, the level headed one. More times than not he would follow my father's orders unequivocally. But he had a conscience, and when it came down to this he agreed. Neither of us would be taking the Alpha title without finding our mates.

My father was furious. We, his only sons and heirs embarrassed him in front of the pack. We had brought shame to our family by refusing such an honor. At least that is how my father saw it. I believe deeply that if our ancestors knew just what he was trying to do that they would be rolling in their graves.

My father was trying to abandon all that once stood important. All of the values we once had in the past would be washed out entirely under his rule.

My grandfather, if he were alive, would have had none of it. I suppose that's why he waited until his passing before forcing such arbitrary things on his sons.

My mother tried to reason with him, to plead our cases, but it only made the situation worse. It was bad enough that his sons disrespected him, he wouldn't be having his Luna embarrass him too. Maybe if she was his true mate she would have been able to change his mind, but she wasn't.

Realizing that his decision would not waver she turned to us, pleading that at least one of us would agree to take on the role, to surrender to my father's wishes.

I knew that she understood where we were coming from, even though she was not born a werewolf she understood how important it was to us to find the one that's fate was intertwined with ours. I knew that she would secretly listen to my grandfather's stories from afar, no matter how much it pained her to hear.

Even though she understood, her words were insignificant compared to my father's. She never got the last word in, not even when it came to her own sons.

We were all that she had left in this world. By the pleading in her voice to the tears that bubbled in her eyes I knew that she was terrified of losing us.

Still, we stood our ground, as did our father. The last thing that we wanted to do was leave our pack and abandon our mother. But we refused to mate with anyone that wasn't our true soulmate.

My father held true to his promise, and without much thought or effort forbade us from ever entering the grounds again. From that moment on we were no longer part of the pack, part of the family. We were dead to him. Just like that all we had ever trained for, all we had ever done was thrown out in the dust.

Maybe it was better this way though. At least now we wouldn't be forced to do something that went against every fiber of our being. At the very least we had each other. Even if we were to be rogues for the remainder of our existence. In the end it would be worth it. I just knew it.

Every night since then, though I wandered far into the night, conversing with the moon. I begged the Moon Goddess to give me a sign, any indication to when or where I would find my mate. Every night I was left without an answer, but every once in a while I swear she would give me subtle signs of reassurance.

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