Copywriting, What's It All About?

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Copywriting, not to be confused with copyright, is the ability to write words that sell.

Every time you pick up a magazine, read a paper, or click on an advertisement, that's all clever copy.

Copyright is something entirely different and simply means a company or individual has the legal right to publish, reproduce, or distribute someone's work.

Do You Need Qualifications to Be a Copywriter?

The simple answer is no, all you need is a laptop and internet connection to start your copywriting career. Learning from other copywriters through courses may also help you along the way.

Copywriting for Bloggers

Copywriting can be used in your content, helping your search engine rankings. It can also help build trust and awareness with your readers.

Things to think about when your copywriting:

1. Let Them Know You Can Make Their Lives Better

Whatever product you're trying to sell, you need to persuade your audience of the benefits your product offers. By simply arousing their curiosity, and attention, with the advantages your product offers, then winning them over with the details.

2. Be Constantly Building Relationships With Your Current Customers and New Customers

The only way your audience trusts you is through the words you write, you can do this through your tone and voice. Along with some other more effective techniques in order to create a connection.

Getting to know your audience first, is an effective way of presenting the benefits of whatever you may be selling. Your copy lays the foundation of, hopefully, what will be a long lasting relationship with your customers or followers.

Here are some simple steps for you to follow to build a relationship with your customers:

Use features of your product or service that will connect with your readers, and appeal to them on that level.

Always follow through and deliver on your products and services.

Always respond directly to any customer complaints, requests, praise and social media contact.

3. Less is More When Writing Copy that Sells

A huge misconception is that you need a page full of words to effectively get your message across. This is a great misconception of copywriting, your readers don't want to be bored to death, but instead give them short pithy paragraphs that get straight to the point. Including enough information about the vital information as they need.

4. Make Your Copy Easy-to-Read

Write easy digestible copy that your readers can quickly skim over, and lay it out using the following points:

Break-down long paragraphs into two or three short ones

Use numbered or bullet point lists

Make important text bold

Create interesting images to separate paragraphs or blurbs

The more interesting the information looks. the more likely people are to continue reading.

5. Always Make It About Them, Not You

Make your copy personal to your audience, that's the key to successful copywriting.

By writing a copy in a more conversational style, and telling an interesting story, you connect with your audience.

At the end of the day copywriting is all about persuading your audience, and understanding your audience's wants and needs. You do this by presenting them a product or service in the best possible light, that's the key to getting them to buy.

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