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It was the third day of Childe's break. And he felt brand new. He was walking on his own now. He had semi-free rein of the house, but the only rule was he wasn't allowed out of sight from Zhongli.
And when Zhongli was off doing work outside the home, he was stuck with Hu Tao or Xiao.

Right now he was reading while lying in Zhongli's bed. Some random book in Liyuen, that he didn't entirely understand but he was working on it.
Zhongli was at his desk, doing paperwork. It was silent, the only sounds filling the room are those of Zhongli's pen treading paper and Childe turning pages.

Childe was absorbed in the book despite not knowing half the words. But his concentration was broken when he heard a loud sigh and the slam of hands on a desk.
He looked up, his eyes finding their way onto Zhongli's face. His eyebrows were furrowed and he looked upset.
But Childe only stared, not wanting to butt into anything that wasn't his business.
Zhongli looked at Childe, their eyes locking.
"What are you reading?" The older man asked, noticing the book in the gingers hands.

"Oh-.. um, I'm not sure." Childe responded a bit sheepishly. Realizing how ridiculous it sounded to be reading a book but have no clue what it was about.
Zhongli chuckled, leaning back in his chair. It suspending with his weight.

He stood up slowly, walking over to Childe. Leaning to look at the book in his hands. "Let me see." Zhongli said.
Childe nodded and folded the corner of the page he was on before closing the book and handing it to Zhongli.

The older man took the book and looked over the cover, a small smile on his lips as he did. Turning the book over he inspected the words written on the front and back. Handing the book back over promptly after.
"Where did you get it?" He asked, not recognizing it. Having his massive selection of his own books memorized.

Childe sat up, taking the book and resting it on his lap. "Oh, Hu Tao brought it to me.. she said it's one of her favorites.."
Childe explained, his expression and demeanor calm.
Zhongli nodded in response to the words.

"Ah I see. That makes sense. It's a fiction book about ghosts.. she has always been interested in that kind of stuff. Ever since she were young." Zhongli spoke fondly. Seeming to reminisce on Hu Tao when their relationship was anew.
Hu Tao was younger than Childe, and since Zhongli was almost a decade older than Childe, he was even older than Hu Tao.

Zhongli had known Hu Tao since she was 14, right before he came in charge of his ring. She had lost most her family and had came under his care. Her dad worked for Cloud Retainer, so with connections and help from multiple other bosses. Hu Tao was one of the first people he ever technically hired. Even though she was just 15 at the time.

At first she was a nuisance, but Zhongli quickly grew fond of her, willingly becoming her new father figure.

Childe could tell how close they were. She wasn't afraid to berate him or get in his face. She joked with him and often made fun of him. Even though he had the power to get her killed on the spot. She trusted him. And Childe thought that was sweet.
A part of him wishing he had a relationship like that.
He had never really had someone to be there. Someone he could trust and rely upon. Who treated him kindly and stood up for him.

Sure he had The Tsaritsa but he was just a drone to her. She told him she cared, and that he was important to her. And as much as he tried to believe it he knew the truth deep down.

And so he sulked. But of course he didn't let it show. Especially in front of the man he was supposed to hate and be enemies with.

After dinner, the two men returned to the bedroom. It was quiet as Zhongli started to tidy the room a bit for bedtime.
Childe sitting on the edge of the bed. It was solemn feeling. Making the atmosphere uncomfortable.

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