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It was the next day, Childe hadn't slept at all. The adrenaline that was forcing its way through his body was too strong. He couldn't wait to bathe and eat. All the ideas of even a little freedom made his lips curl into the ever so slightest smile.

The hours seemed to go by excruciatingly slow. He could hear the clock ticking away the seconds in his head. It's like his brain was throbbing against his skull. It was becoming uncomfortable and annoying.

It's almost like his heart left his chest when he heard his bedroom door open. The joy was indescribable but he also felt an unreasonable amount of anxiety. It was almost suffocating.

He lifted his head to look at the door. It was not who he wanted to see. It was the short, green haired man who had a grudge against yours truly.
He locked eyes with Childe and grunted.
Which only made Childe give him the dirtiest look he could muster on his face.

The tension rose quickly, as Xiao messed with his gloves, pulling them tighter on his hands. He stood by the door and didn't say a thing. Just watching.
Childe laid back, he didn't know what the other was up too but he decided to not focus too much on it. Or else the minute he's unbound he's going after Xiao's throat.

It was silent until a pair of heavy footsteps were heard approaching the door.
Childe knew who that was, so not wasting any time he raised his head again. There he was. The man of the hour. Zhongli.
He was dressed as beautifully as usual, decked in gold and brown.
He smiled at Childe and the ginger felt his stomach cramp.

He watched as Zhongli approached his bed.
"I see you're already up.. good. Xiao here is going to help me transfer you to another room. Do not fret."
And Zhongli explained himself, Xiao walked to the opposite side of the bed the older man was on.
They made eye contact before nodding.

The feeling in Childe's hands and feet had returned but he was so tuckered out and hungry he couldn't imagine standing up. His upper legs were in so much pain it had seem to gone numb.
He watching Zhongli closely, the two then started to configure around the gingers body, all Xiao had to do was move Childe's limbs into Zhongli's arms. But the man was able to lift him on his own.

He kind of gawked at how easily he was picked up. Either Childe had lost weight or Zhongli was packing muscles that did not show through the suits.
He was slender and lean, not big and buff. He didn't even breathe out with struggle.
And Childe is not a small man. Normally he eats a lot. He's always moving though and fighting.

He was carried by the older man out of the room. Besides what he could see through the door occasionally, he hadn't seen any of this. He wasn't conscious when Hu Tao and Xiao dragged him into that room.
It wasn't really anything like he was imagining. He gathered his surroundings as much as possible, but Xiao did his best to block his view without covering his eyes.

Soon they stepped into a new room. It was decorated and smelt good. Childe looked around, then up at Zhongli. He somehow looked even more majestic from down here.
But the view didn't last long, he was placed onto a bed gently. The warmth that enveloped Childe was to die for. He hadn't had a blanket or pillow to lay on in what felt like forever. It was almost like he fell back into the fluffiest cloud. His standards were below the ground at this point. That hard springy bed that smelt funny and was cold all the time was driving him crazy. But this, this bed was heaven.

He grabbed the sheets almost desperately and closed his eyes. Not caring what the other two men thought.
He was in bliss. This was nirvana.

"You can leave Xiao. Make sure to bring some food soon."
Zhongli spoke and received a nod from Xiao who left the room. Shutting the door behind him.

Childe had torn himself from the bed, just to look up. He was alone with Zhongli. Suddenly anxiety filled his gut. He was scared of this man.
He was scared. Of someone.
Other than The Tsaritsa.

Glaze Lillies - Zhongchi - Mafia AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang