Chapter 5: Years Later

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Whenever I write dialogue for characters with an accent, then they are talking in English with whatever and they have, German, French, Scottish, etc. If it is a non-English character without an accent, then they are speaking in their native tongue.

Before Harry knew it, six years had passed and he was sailing back to Durmstrang as the seventh-year Head Boy. A lot had changed in those six years. The most evident of those changes was in Harry himself. He was now a young man on the cusp of adulthood. Over time, the slightly gangly, slender boy he had been had grown and filled out into a tall, broad-shouldered, lightly muscled, and handsome young man. His countenance had changed too, he held himself with confidence and he had earned quite a reputation as a rather formidable young man.

He gained this reputation from his continued spurning of Dumbledore. Harry surprised everyone by taking after Charlus in this matter instead of James even before he took his Wizengamot seat as Lord of the Houses of Potter, Peverell, Braithwaite, MacBeth, Gaunt, and Slytherin, the first on his fifteenth birthday and the rest on his seventeenth. He refused to let Dumbledore have the reins, not after he'd led his parents to their deaths and he made sure everyone knew this. Of course, his reputation among the general public had soured a bit, but people respected his decision to be independent from Dumbledore, some even supported it, it gave them two good leaders or figures to fall behind, they just didn't like his reasons.

He had also expanded his group of friends. Unlike what might have happened at Hogwarts, Harry had no qualms about mingling at Durmstrang. Some of the stories he heard, about families or just about the modern world in general, were quite interesting, the same with some of the people. He had befriended Blaise Zabini, Cygnus Lestrange, Leo Dietrich, Liam Nagtegaal, and Oliver Michaelsen and was friendly or acquaintances with many others. He'd also gotten to know Sirius and the rest of the Black family that was left, and not completely bad, pretty well. This consisted of Sirius, Andromeda and her family, Narcissa, Cassiopeia, some of Sirius' cousins by his aunt Lucretia, the former Lord; Arcturus, and some of Ron's cousins from the Weasley side. Arthur was but the oldest of three brothers, Bilius was the second born and a bachelor like Sirius, who was long freed and had every intention of abdicating the Lord Black position to Draco, due to Harry having enough on his plate to start with, but the youngest brother, Gawain Weasley had married a Japanese woman and had three boys and a little girl as one of the British Embassy workers in Japan. If Harry wasn't mistaken, Gawain had worked up to the position of Ambassador in that embassy in recent years after the last one retired due to medical concerns. 

In another vein of thought, Harry had also done very well in his academics. He was one of the students who greatly thrived in the accelerated programs, along with all of his friends to some degree. In his third year, he did O.W.L.s for all his starting subjects, Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, Offensive and Defensive Magic, Herbology, Astronomy, Magical Customs, and History of Britain, all with Outstandings and Exceeds Expectations. He then picked up Runes, CoMC, and Magical Law for electives. The following year, he tested out of Magical Customs and History of Britain, picked up Arithmancy, and started a Foreign Studies course on Scotland. In his fifth year, he did his tests for Astronomy and Herbology, did his O.W.L.s for CoMC and Magical Law, and began another Foreign Studies course, this one on Ireland. In sixth, he did a lot, tested out of Charms, Potions, Transfiguration, and Offensive and Defensive Magic, he did O.W.L.s for Foreign Studies on Scotland and Ireland, Runes, and Arithmancy. For seventh, he was preparing to finish up Runes, Arithmancy, Foreign Studies on Scotland and Ireland, Magical Law, and CoMC. He was also arranging to do apprenticeships in Spell Crafting, Curse Breaking, and Warding the year after for certifications and was going to begin studying for Masteries in Transfiguration, Runes, Offensive Magic, and Potions when that was finished. 

Yeah, when Harry learned about that he lost brain cells trying to understand it. After much explaining, he understood it as this. The apprenticeship courses offered certifications in the subject area while studying for the Mastery level tests gave a Mastery degree for a subject. Apprenticeships were for areas that had to be learned from a teacher in a hands-on setting and weren't usually taught in school. Masteries were for areas that were usually taught in school and didn't always need hands-on to proceed and you studied under a certified Master. Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, Herbology, CoMC, Runes, Offensive, and Defensive Magic were grey areas that were considered Masteries because they were officially taught in schools. Completed apprenticeships gave a Certification of Skill in a subject and completed Masteries gave a Degree of Mastery for a subject.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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