Chapter 4: Welcome to Durmstrang

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I'm going original in my imagined design and inner workings of Durmstrang, just a warning. Also, Durmstrang will offer the same courses on the list of classes at Hogwarts for Black Interference, check that out on your own time. I will eventually post a page of professors and classes for this story too.

Durmstrang Institute, Finnmark, Norway.

The British students were rather impressed with Durmstrang. The castle maybe wasn't quite as big as Hogwarts was told to be, having fewer floors, but where Durmstrang lacked height, it made up for it in sheer scale. Durmstrang was more spread out, covered more ground than air and the students and staff believed that fewer stairs and longer walks were better.

The layout of the castle was also quite different than the layout of Hogwarts, according to the words of Draco Malfoy, whose mother had attended Hogwarts and gave him a very detailed description of the school.

Durmstrang had two walls, one around the whole castle proper and another around the Main Keep, Healing Hall, and Main Courtyard.

Durmstrang was subdivided into different wings with short covered corridors at ground level connecting each part of the castle. There was the Main Keep, a three-story section of the castle, which housed the Great Hall on the first floor, two dorms with their Heads of House's offices and quarters on the second floor, and one dorm and its Head of House's office and quarters on the smaller third floor. The second floor also had an entrance to the High Tower, a smaller tower that rose off the side of the Main Keep facing out towards the Main Courtyard, the small Courtyard that had the exterior paths between the Main and Healing Halls and the Inner Gateway, which housed the Highmistress' Office and chambers. The Main Keep was basically built into two sides of the Inner Wall with the Healing Hall extending from its right side.

The Main Keep was connected to the Healing Hall, the only way in without going outside, which was a slight design flaw that wasn't noticed until the castle was already almost complete.

The Healing Hall was a small wing consisting of only the Medical Centre and the offices and quarters of the school healers.

The Main Keep had several passages through the Inner Wall that led into the other wings. The Inner Wall functioned as arterial hallways through the castle complex.

The Natural Studies wing on the west side was the second smallest in terms of the size of the main building, but that wasn't counting the greenhouses attached to the main building that jutted up the west side into the northwest corner, or the paddocks that ran along the largely untouched tree-laden area that made up the bulk of the southwest corner for the magical creatures used in the classes. The building was two stories, Care of Magical Creatures on the lower and Herbology on the upper. The way it functioned was all the theory work and prep work was done in the classrooms and the practical portion was done in the greenhouses or by the paddocks. The climate control charms weaved into the wards were a marvelous thing in the winter for the CoMC class.

The Magical Arts wing was one of the bigger wings. This building was four stories and had classrooms for Transfiguration and Warding on the first floor,  Charms and Defensive Magic on the second, Offensive Magic and Ancient Runes on the third, and the apprenticeship courses Dueling and Spell-crafting on the fourth with an assortment of spare classrooms and a teacher's lounge neighbouring them, and was located on the east side of the castle complex. This wing was separated from the north side by the castle's largest courtyard, the Magical Arts Courtyard, which ran from the northern side of the Magical Arts wing and went around the Inner Wall to a tree line just behind the Medical Arts wing.

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