Chapter 1: The Plan is Activated

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Just for the sake of simplicity, the blood wards don't exist. Yes, Lily's protections live on, but the wards around No. 4 Privet Drive are just protective wards that Lily put down to protect her sister in wartime. For this book's Euphemia Potter headcanon, she will be a member of the house of Braithwaite again. I have modified the timeline of the Potter family so that Charlus will be Fleamont and Euphemia's son. Charlus and Dorea's ages won't be changed. Marius Black won't be a squib and will have been cast out for being too light for the current Black leadership to tolerate, which is what drove away Cassiopeia and Dorea and made Pollux so bitter, which then led to the disastrous marriage of Orion and Walburga to keep the branch line Blacks appeased. We'll meet Marius later. Also, I am inserting a lot of my own ideas, so if you see things that don't match to canon outside the original plot changes, don't be alarmed, it was intentional.

Petunia and Vernon Dursley had been bracing themselves for this day. It was July 31st, 1991. The day they would thwart the biggest piece they had been able to pick out of the Hogwarts Headmaster's plans. Today was the day the letter from Hogwarts for Harry would come, the day Harry would send a letter back saying he wouldn't be coming and the day Harry would be brought to Diagon by his aunt and uncle to visit Gringotts and sort things out so Harry would go to Durmstrang.

They woke up and gave the boys their usual marching orders, setting the table for Dudley, Harry helping make breakfast and Vernon gathering the mail and starting a pot of coffee. Vernon waited until after breakfast was done before he spoiled the day.

"It's here," was all he said and all he needed to say. Dudley immediately went silent, Petunia's lips thinned and Harry nodded rigidly.

"When should I send off the letter?" Harry asked.

"Not until you are set to go to Durmstrang," Petunia replied immediately, "We don't want the old meddler to know until it's too late for him to interfere."

"What about you three?" Harry asked, "He's sure to come here at some point."

"If he does, he will come to an empty house," Vernon crowed, "We shall be long gone and at the new house on the other side of town. Far enough away he won't run into us, but not far enough to completely uproot us."

Petunia turned to him, "The other house is ready?" she asked incredulously, "I thought it wouldn't be ready until September?"

Vernon chuckled, "Some of the men at work and I went over on weekends to speed things up," he explained, "The house isn't completely done, the attic loft still has some painting and a window sill left and the basement cellar has one window with a broken lock and one of the bathrooms isn't finished yet, but it's good enough to move in. Since the house was already furnished and just needed some work, we only really need to pack up clothes, belongings, photos, dishes, and whatever else we might need which could easily be done quickly if I drove the boy and Dudley helped pack up."

Petunia smirked in a 'challenge-accepted' way and said, "It most certainly is. Alright, Vernon, you take him to Diagon, remember my directions now, and Dudders and I will pack. You go and pack also boy, once you have everything, find Vernon."

Harry nodded once and ran up the stairs to pack his things, which admittedly didn't take long with him only packing up his clothes and a few keepsakes, most of which were already packed in preparation. Harry grabbed the bags and put them in the trunk of the car outside and got Vernon, who then gave Harry a hat and told him to wear it so people wouldn't see his scar before they drove off to London. Once they arrived at what they assumed was the Leaky Cauldron on Charring Cross Rd, they entered Diagon with some help from the barkeep, Tom. The first thing Vernon did was steer them toward the building he believed was Gringotts. Vernon shuddered a little as he read the plaque warning off thieves before they continued to the line at the teller's booths. 

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