My life....

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I got up this morning depressed like usual. I took a hot shower and decided to wear black leggings, a crop top that shows my belly button and says 'I want to be in paradise with you', red vans, and a black bow. I straightened my hair and grabed some of my hair and put it back with a bow. Today was Saturday and I was the only one that was up so I went downstairs and made breakfast for everyone. I made pancakes, eggs, toast and bacon. My mom came down the stairs and we said good morning.
Mom:hunny we have to talk can you stop for a minute or so....
Me:sure mom whats the everything ok??
Mom:ya it is but i got a promotion at work and there is a small problem....
(my mom works at walmart and we havent been o busy latley)
Me:wow mom thats amazing but what do you mean a small problem....
Mom: well since I got my promotion they want me to work at a different walmart. Its in North Carolina. And I know you dont want to leave Brooke and Talia and Daniel and James but you might need to if not then I can just find a different job....
(A new start somewhere else. I want to move but I dont know....Brooke is my best friend we are practically sisters....Talia has been through everything with me but I met her 4 years ago....Daniel is this guy I liked for a couple years but I dont like him I think of him and James as my brothers....but if Brooke can move with us it could be ok right....)
Me:mom I dont wanna leave Brooke but I do wanna move so do you think we can try and convince Brookes parents to let her move with us pleaseeeeee!!
Mom:only if its ok with Shelby. Then its ok with me. But ONLY if its ok with Shelby.
Me:thanx mom lets eat since mrs cranky and mr bummer are up then im going to text Brooke.
Mom:ok hunny lets eat then you can ask your friend and we can decide on that.
So I finished eating so I kissd my mom on the cheek and ran to my room grabbed my phone and texted Brooke.
[=Brooke and = Me]
Infinty bae: REILLYY! question ask i will answer!! Whats the matter bae?
Me: mom got a promotion for her job....the only problem is that i would have to move....
Infinity bae:NOOO YOU CANT LEAVE ME!! Wait where would you move??
Me: well thats the thing my mom said that if your mom said it ok....YOU could move in with us....and we will be movingto North Carolina....
Infinity bae: asking right now!!

~Brookes P.O.V.~
Ok so I was watching tv with my mom when Reilly my sista from another mista texed me....

Me: REILLYY! question ask i will answer!! Whats the matter bae?
Love bae girl: mom got a promotion for her job....the only problem is that i would have to move....
Me:NOOO YOU CANT LEAVE ME!! Wait where would you move??
Love bae girl: well thats the thing my mom said that if your mom said it ok....YOU could move in with us....and we will be moving to North Carolina....
Me: asking right now!!
Omg....I cant believe my mom right now....I am going to cry like ahhh!!

Heeheecliff hanger....
Authors note
Sorry for the short chapter I don't write for long....I should though so I'll start working on another chapter.
What do you think Brookes mom Shelby said....
Can she move
Or will she stay

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