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"Y/n wake up!" I feel a hand tapping my shoulder

"Whattt..." I groan

"Wake up!"

My eyes widen to expose Tommy in front of me

"Did yous sleep together"

"What? No we just watched tv" my face cringing as the sun shines in my eyes

"That's even worse"

"How is that worse!?" my voice grows to a harshen whisper

"I don't know... it's because the history, yous watching a movie is like yous watching a movie as a couple and you have a boyfriend" he points his finger right to my nose

"I know!" I grab his finger shoving it away "it wasn't anything romantic, I just went through summit very weird last night and Nikki helped me so we had a few beers"

"Why what happened!?"

"I sort of seen Ellen... like I was talking to her"


"It's crazy I know but it's true" I roll my eyes and feel Nikki slightly nudging around beside me "shh!" I snap at Tommy before he said anything

"Morning..." Nikki groans as he rubs his eyes

"Afternoon!" Tommy snaps

"What the fuck!" Nikki jumps

"What the fuck happened dude" Tommy waved his hand pointing at us both

"Nothin! Jeez just shut the fuck up" he slowly gets up and stumbles to the bathroom as he squints his sleepy eyes

"I don't know why your making such a big deal" I scoff as I get up to head to the kitchen

"Because... the history, you guys love each other and a movie can lead to a cuddle, a cuddle can lead to a kiss, a kiss can lead to fucking, you see where it's going! You can't do that to Sebastian"

"I'm not, I would never cheat on anyone! You guys may but I won't ever"

"Ok well sorry... just be carful, feelings can be very controlling and hard to get rid of"

"I knowwww...!" I groan as I open the fridge "coffee?"

"Yea ok"


"YEA!" His voice echos from the bathroom

"I just don't see the big deal I'm sorry" I shake my head whist I spoon the coffee into the mugs as Tommy leans on the counter peering his head slightly in front of me

"You will"

I roll my eyes and shove him away before grabbing the hot water


"Fuck!" I yell from the kitchen as the bottle smashes onto the ground

"What!" Nikki rushes towards me

"I smashed this stupid glass... it's fine I'll clean it"

"Wait... your bleeding"

"Yea probably from the glass I'll go get sort it"

His eyes squint "No it could get infected let me clean it for you"

"No it's fine it's probably tiny"

"Well the glass didn't rip through your sleeve somehow?"

"Nikki shut up" I cover my arm with my hand as I storm towards the bathroom

The wild side// Y/n x Nikki sixxWhere stories live. Discover now