Tour day 3!

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(warning: Talk off sh, childhood trauma and past r4pe)

Today we're filming the video for looks that kill, I called up a lot of my friends asking if they wanted to be in the video and luckily they said yes, then we hired Wendy Barry to play the warrior Queen

I get up to go to the bathroom with a throbbing pain in my head, I step over Tommy who is still fast asleep in the floor and grab some comfy clothes

I walk into the bathroom and put on my joggers then a t-shirt, I sigh as I look in the mirror staring at my eyes that look so dark and lifeless, I climb up onto the counter in front of the bathroom mirror and grab my toiletry bag

"Jeez I look ruff" I groan as I brush the hair back from my face before washing off the messily smeared make up I forgot to remove last night

I grabbed a clean dry bandage from the first aid kit and removed the old one that had slightly dried through the night after jumping in the pool, a look of dread covers my face as I look down at my arm "Fuck.. what have I done" I sigh before hearing a quiet knock at the door

(Nikki's pov)

"It's me babe can I come in" I whisper

"Yea sure give me a sec" I see the door slowly open in front of me

I walk in seeing her struggle to wrap the bandage around her arm "Here let me help" I take it in my hands and wrap it tightly around her arm tying the ends together, as I was doing it a small tear dropped onto my hand

I look up to her seeing tears filling her eyes, I place my hand upon her cheek rubbing away the stray tears with my thumb "What's wrong babe"

"Nothing" She chuckled wiping away tears

"You can tell me" I sit up in front of her on the counter whilst holding her hands

"I just feel stupid" she sighed


"Well I'm sitting here crying on a sink counter because my boyfriend is helping me with my stupid mistake" she began sobbing

"It's not stupid, you came so far.."

"And I ruined it" she snapped

"No you didn't... you got clean for years, you can do it again my love"

"Can I though, when I moved here I left all of that behind me but then my mum calls me and brings me right back to where I was and now it's making me think about all those things that happened there"

"What all did happen? if you want to tell me, you don't have to" I say trying to help

"Umm lots of things..."

"Tell me it all I care about you and I wanna help" I hold her hands tighter in mine

"Fine... well my mum's bipoler obviously didn't help when I was growing up and my whole family was pretty fucked up, my aunt had nearly went to jail so as a child we would always have police raiding my house trying to look for her... oh and I've never told you this but I have 2 older sisters.. we all have anger issues, some worse than others, and one time it got so bad my Mum rang the police on my oldest sister, my other sister always had police after her for different things... lets just say my childhood was filled with a lot of cop visits. Also my Aunt was sort of abusive, I grew up watching my cousin get pretty much abused and felt like I could do nothing to help.... I have anxiety and depression they've caused a lot of my problems, I've had anxiety attacks that caused me to stop being able to breathe at times" She took a deep breath as if she was remining herself that she could

The wild side// Y/n x Nikki sixxΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα