Fuck... not again

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It's been a good few weeks since the accident and sweet fuck am I happy to be out of hospital but for Vince... life's been tuff, he had to go into prison for drunk driving and vehicular manslaughter, he was sentenced to 30 days in prison but only served 19 in the condition that he stayed sober, he's been pretty good in staying sober...

But Nikki on the other hand, he really hit rock bottom, he won't admit it but I always know when he's shooting up, and he's not just smoking it, no he's been injecting it, he isn't even trying to hide it, I find burnt spoons and tied scarves about the room, empty Syringes in the bin, but when I ask him about it he just gets mad and locks himself in the bathroom refusing to talk about it


"Nikki? Where are you" I shout as I walk through the front door hearing clutter in the bedroom "fuck... not again"

I rush into the bedroom seeing him crouched down on the floor hiding behind the bed

"Nikki? What's wrong baby" I slowly creep into the room trying to see him

He stands up from behind the bed and runs towards me pinning me to the wall "shhh, they can't know we're here"

"Who" I groan as I try to get loose from his grip

"The people, the people outside..."


"Ugh you don't get it" he groans throwing his head back in frustration

"No Nikki I don't get it because your seeing things, there's no one out there"

"There is!" He panics jumping into the bed

"No honey there isn't come on let's get some rest it's ok" I try to walk over climbing up onto the bed beside him calmly grabbing onto his arms but he pushes me causing me to crash down onto the floor "Fuck! What the fuck Nikki" I groan in pain before he leaps down above me, his legs landing either side of my waist

"How do I know your not one of those people" he leans down looking me straight in the eye

"Because I'm your fucking girlfriend"

"No... no I don't have one of those" he steps away, stumbling over to the window grabbing a cigarette

"Yes you do!"

"How come I don't remember then"

"Because your fucking doped up on heroin, Nikki it's getting to much I can't!... I can't cope with this right now, I'm supposed to be getting rest because I don't know if you remember but I've a fucking broken leg that's in a boot, luckily I can sort of walk, I was in a coma but no I've to come home and deal with your shit!" I shout whilst looking around "Look at the fucking mess of this room!"

"What are you getting all mad for?"

"Because you!... my boyfriend! doesn't even fucking remember who I am, then you'll wake up tomorrow and be all over me like you've done nothing wrong yet you just pushed me off the fucking bed when I'm trying to help you" Tears fill my eyes as I stare at him hardly even being able to recognise him, this isn't the Nikki I fell in love with, this isn't the Nikki who cares about me and his friends, none of us like this Nikki and he doesn't either, he's told me he's scared of himself but it's a addiction he can't just stop and that's what scares him the most

The wild side// Y/n x Nikki sixxWhere stories live. Discover now