outer and sans vs eRrOr

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A guys thanks for 100 reads though let's get started with the book

Sans pov

After error escaped I went to checkout hot dog stands around the 3rd hot dog stand I found outers hot dog stand I walked up and asked outer for a hot dog he gave me a hot dog I grabbed some ketchup and put it in my coat pocket just then I saw a red bone heading twords outer I blocked it off with a bone wall i saw error he said the 1/5 weackest links perfect outer crashed a star into him error he dodged error launched bones outer dodged making bone zones all around error sans tried to blast him error dodged sans teleported in front of error and sayed NEVER LET YOUR GUARD DOWN he threw error into bones then error got impaled
Error hAh ThAt WoNt wOrK just as he said that outer impaled him and dropped stars on him sans blast him error YoU nEvEr LeArn dO yOu error made thousands of blasters and tried to shoot outer, outer knew he couldn't dodge this so sans and outer blocked it with a giant blaster the blaster started to crack until

                    THE BLASTER BROKE

But just as sans and outer was ready to die (2/n) teleported there he sung his paint brush and created a giant ink wall and said you should have seen the look on your face!! Hah hah hah ss chara and betty appeared with (3/n) (3/n) said the ambush has started oh yeah!!! (1/n) appeared and said what's up by the way (1/n) is in control error said YoU ThInK yOu wIlL bE aBlE To bEaT mE
Error grabbed a blaster with his strings and slung it at (3/n) he blocked it with a DT shield and put strings around (1/n)s soul
And made justice lasers and blasted (3/n), (3/n) tried to block but it blasted him away through 3 buildings he coughed out blood and said THAT'S NOTHING error launched blasters at him but (3/n) jumped in the way making a ink blaster his so it's a matter of who's blaster is stronger so (3/n) made 2 more blasters sans blasted (1/n) sence he's under errors control

Controlled (1/n) pov

Sans blasted me epic took control outer tried to blast me I dodged I blasted him (3/n) blocked it with ink then get jumped at me swinging the paint brush fercly I kept dodging I ramed him with a blaster then I made 3 blasters behind him and blasted him he needed to drink his vile but error grabbed it so he went serious he made a ink wall and launched it at me I dodged made a bone and stabbed him with it sans appeared behind me I swung the bone at him I saw blood after I swung the bone but I soon realised it was ketchup he grabbed me with telekinesis and said


And threw me into bones I soon got impaled but I survived he tried to put me in blue bones but I dodged and used telekinesis and threw sans into the wall he was at 00000.1 HP do I put him in blue bones error tried to make me kill him I wouldn't let him outer dashed at me I teleported him to the outher side of earth he teleported back I threw him to sans chara said (1/n) please stop I couldn't i almost impaled her but emotionless (2/n) blasted the bone error appeared and knocked him out then teleported me to the

                    ANTI         #      VOID

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