the start

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(1/n) will be you (2/n) will be friends name and (3/p) will be outher friend name let's start_________________________________________

3rd person pov

(2/n) hay (1/n) let's play truth or dare (1/n) sure ok (2/n) you go first truth or dare I pick dare ok I dare you to climb Mt ebbot why they let take forever (2/n) you have to (1/n) fine

3 hours later climbing mount ebbot I finally made it trips on a vine something yellow seems to come closer I start thinking am I ganna die here

(2/n) view

back to (2/n) where did he go maybe he actually went to mount ebbot 3 hours later trips on the same vine falls on (1/n) ow he says oh thair you are (1/n)

Back to 3rd person view

(1/n) please tell me your ok is this my fault it is so please wake up he starts shaking him (1/n) just wake up (1/n) starts waking up your ok thank god wait I said that out loud

(1/n) yep anyway I think we should go forward ok we start walking forword we see (3/p) we say hey (3/p) what are you doing here I fell duh oh right (1/n) says welp we should keep going

we see a yellow flower he says howdey you. Must be new to the underground someone's got to teach you the ropes well I guess little old me will have to do

you and your friends enter a fight you see a that little heart that is your soul the vary climation of you your soul trait is a yellow heart the justice soul

(2/n) soul is bright blue

and (3/n) is a bright red

back to flowey you wanna know how us monsters live in the underground with love of course you want some love dont'cha down here love is shared through little white freindly pellets here you go, he launches white pellets at you

(2/p) gets hit

-19 HP

He's at 1 hp

all the sudden a fire ball comes out of nowhere a goat lady walks out and says what a terrible creature tourtring such poor inicent youth come here follow me' I toriel care taker of the ruins come here we follow her she says the ruins are full of trapes she says be right back she gave us a cell phone

finally back to (1/n) ok (2/p) (3/p) I'm tired impacent so let's go (2/n) and (3/n) we came across a spike trap

(3/p) used he's determination soul to sit there trying until he got it right and showed us the way we kept going we found a cracked path (2/p) started to walk down the cracked path but fell reavling

the. Path in red leaves so (2/p) told (1/n) the way and he made it the others followed we

noticed another human in blue and purple striped shirt with red eyes her toy knife covered in grey dust we instantly knew to run

we made it to torials house she was about to go get us she saw us and said I knew not to leave you guys alone she showed us our room we slept awhile we woke up to butter scotch and cinnamon pie we walked up to toriel and asked when can we go home she said want to hear 1000 snail uses we asked again she said this is your home now she said she has to do something real quick we followed her to the basement she said be good boys and leave now we kept following she said she is going to destroy the exit she stopped at the door and said prove to me you can defend your selves we entered a fight


Onto next chapter

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