"And the baby?" Daniel said as he sat up on his knees.

I rubbed my midsection, "I don't know."

              "The sooner we get to the right arm the better," Minho said to Jorge. We all got out of the car. In front of us were a bunch of old cars that posed as roadblocks. I held onto my husband's arm. Jorge walked in front as we wove our way through the cars. Somewhere above a crow cawed. I remembered the sound from the glade. Jorge ruffled through some cloth in the back of one car. 

Newt checked the inside, "Nothing useful."

I leaned against the car and waited for a wave of dizziness to pass. Newt took my hand and kissed it. I smiled and hugged him. Teresa was staring out at the horizon. Thomas looked at a hole in a windshield. A gunshot went off. Newt yanked me down behind the car closest to us, "Take cover!"

He and Minho knelt in front of me. Daniel was hiding behind a crumbling boulder a few feet away. Him and I were staring at each other.

"Everyone okay?" Thomas asked.

"We're fine!" Teresa's voice replied.

"Anyone know where those bloody shots came from?" Newt asked. Another three shots bounded off the cars. I covered my ears. Newt tucked me into his side.

"Everybody! Get ready to sprint back to the truck. And hold your ears!" Jorge yelled.

"Drop it." A new voice said. "Now!"

I looked up.

"On your feet. Let's go!" A girl pointed her rifle at Jorge and Thomas. "You three over here now." She looked at us. Newt helped me up but kept me behind him as we walked towards them slowly.

"Don't be stupid move!" She ordered.

"Slowly," The blonde girl said.

We were all standing there with our hands up.

"Aris?" The girl with the dark hair asked.

Aris looked up. The girl pulled her mask down.

"Oh my gosh harriet?" Aris asked. The two hugged.

"What the heck are you doing here?" She asked. The other girl removed her mask and stared at Aris.

"Sonya?" Aris asked.

"Aris, you're lucky we didn't shoot your dumb butt," She hugged him too.

"Are you alright?" She put her hands on his shoulders.

"What's happening?" Minho questioned in confusion.

"We were in the maze together," Aris smiled. Harriet whistled and then yelled, "We're clear guys come on out!"

Voices echoed around us. I looked up to see other's with guns posed on the crests of the rock walls around us.

"You're alive," Sonya held Aris's head with a bright smile.

Sonya walked in front as we made our way along the road. We walked through a hole in the wall and she said, "Back it up Joe!"

A truck backed away so we could walk through.

"We're taking them to base," Harriet said as we walked past two men. One of them walked along beside us. He was tall, very tall, with dirty blonde hair, golden brown eyes, and a shadow of facial hair. He held a rifle in his hands. He looked at me then back at the road. Newt gently switched hands so I was walking on the other side of him far from the man.

"How did you guys get here?" Aris asked.

"The right arm got us out," Harriet said.

"The right arm," Thomas began. "You know who they are?"

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