Chapter 11: Where Did The Stars Go?

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After being reminded by Electra, who was a bit too full of energy, Peach left the Temple of The Keepers and went to find the last two Keepers of The Elements

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After being reminded by Electra, who was a bit too full of energy, Peach left the Temple of The Keepers and went to find the last two Keepers of The Elements. Peach's next destination was in outer space, but, something didn't look right. It was dark all around Peach, as expected, but it was darker than normal. There were no stars! The only elements left were Darkness and Light, and it didn't take any cognitive effort to guess which one did this. This wasn't as bad as everything leading up to this, but that didn't make this less dangerous. "Nearly there." The voice told Peach. "But it looks like all the stars of Twinkle Cosmos are gone." "Because the Keeper of Darkness is here?" Peach asked. "Because Umbros, the Keeper of Darkness, is here." The voice repeated.

It was creepy seeing space without stars. An endless black void of nothing. It reminded Peach of the black circle in the sky in Sweltering Desert, except that void was everywhere now. Peach was standing on a floating rock with rubble and dead plantlife, like dead versions of the islands in Serenity Sky Islands. There was practically nothing on this planetoid, it was silent and desolate. "I can't exactly stay here," Peach said in thought. "But I'm not sure where to start from here." Peach took a deep breath and leapt off the planetoid into the empty, dark vastness of space. She was floating through space for a while, when she saw something unusual. A small, yellow star with an angry look on its face. It wasn't just one, there were loads of them! There was a huge tunnel of angry stars, and because of the lack of light in space, it was so dark the other end couldn't be seen. At first, as Peach entered the tunnel, it was just simple, just floating through a gallery of stars with angry faces. But some obstacles started popping up. For starters, a group of stars formed semi-walls of sorts. Peach simply floated under them and over them. The stars began to form narrow corridors, which Peach managed to squeeze through. So far, things looked fine. However, this was just the beginning of the process. The stars began forming shapes: card suits, geometric shapes, random symbols, and while they slowed Peach down, they didn't completely stop her. The tunnel wasn't quite done with Peach. In a last-stitch effort to halt her progress, the tunnel started getting narrower, and narrower, and narrower. As Peach went through the tunnel, it slowly got wider and wider. Until, at last, Peach was floating out of the tunnel, and back into the dark void of space. "Great." Peach thought. "This. It still creeps me out." Peach watched as the tunnel of angry stars faded into the darkness. She wondered where she could be going from here. It didn't take that long for Peach to arrive at the next destination. It was an asteroid belt, comprised of multiple molten rocks. They were hard to see because they were so dark, especially compared to the space around them. Peach grabbed onto the nearest asteroid, hoisted herself onto it, and stood on it. She was slightly concerned, how was she going to navigate the asteroid belt without some kind of light. Peach tried her hardest not to think about it, but the darkness was so scary that it was distracting. "Let's not focus on the darkness," Peach thought, aloud. "Let's just try and find Umbros." Peach closed her eyes and leapt from the asteroid. It took her under ten seconds to land on another, larger asteroid. Peach opened her eyes, she could barely see some more asteroids, although they varied in size. With another leap, Peach reached a rather small asteroid, it was barely big enough for her to stand on with both feet. She jumped from the tiny asteroid to another one floating nearby. To her delight, Peach could see more asteroids, and they looked big enough to hold her. Peach continued to jump from asteroid to asteroid. The asteroid belt would soon end, and Peach was left to float through space once more. "Where could Umbros be?" Peach wondered. The black void did not reply. Whatever, space was no longer a sparkly tapestry of stars, constellations, planets, and nebulae, at least, under the current circumstances. Peach continued to drift through space until she saw something, something larger than the asteroids. Could it be the Moon? It looked like the Moon. It was covered, nay, littered in craters, there appeared to be dead plant life on this moonlike planet, a bit like that rock Peach landed on when she reached Twinkle Cosmos. Peach landed on the planet, there was no atmosphere, it looked uninhabited. "Darn it," Peach grumbled, "why did I stop here?" She wandered around the planet, hoping to find a way off, the gravity of the planet wasn't like how it was on Earth, but it was too high for Peach to jump and fly away. It was eerily quiet on the planet, but it wouldn't be long until Peach came across the inhabitants of the planet. They were tiny star-shaped creatures, slightly resembling Lumas, they had stick arms and legs supporting their hands and feet. They had three eyes each, and were coloured light blue, light green, pale yellow, and lavender. "Who are you?" One of the aliens asked Peach, who was slightly startled by their appearances. "I'm Princess Peach of the Mushroom Kingdom," Peach replied. "What has you here on this planet?" Another alien asked Peach. In response, Peach sat down, and the aliens gathered around her. She proceeded to tell the aliens all about her adventure leading up to this point. The aliens were delighted to know that Peach was undoing the mess Bowser made, they really missed the stars. And so, the aliens set to work, trying to help Peach get back into space. They proceeded to build a cannon, well, the closest thing to a cannon. They even did a test run, and it worked like a charm. "Alright, Princess," the alien leader began, encouragingly. "Off you go, we shouldn't waste any more of your time." They helped Peach into the cannon, and once she was fully in, they fired her into the endless black expanse. Although Peach was grateful for the aliens's help, one side of her dreaded having to fly through the endless, uncertain, creepy, colourful, magical...hold on. All around Peach, there were nebulae, all huge and colourful, it was strange that they were able to shine so brightly without stars nearby. In the middle of the nebulae, there was a space station. "I'm assuming either Bowser or Shellby is in there." Peach thought. She floated toward the space station, and after struggling to find the door inside, she finally entered the station. The inside looked like something out of a sci-fi movie, it was metallic and fluorescent. It was deadly silent in the hallway, the silence of Peach's out-of-this-world romp was really getting to her. Peach drifted through the halls of the space station. She searched the station for almost fifteen minutes before she finally found who she was looking for. Standing in the main room of the station was Shellby. She was wearing a long necklace, it was decorated with a small black orb. "Umbros..." Peach breathed. "Umbros?" Shellby asked, loudly. "Umbros!?" She repeated before she burst into antagonistic laughter. "Are you blind, Princess?" "No," Peach replied, reproachfully. "I was referring to your necklace." Peach pointed to Shellby's necklace. Shellby looked down at her necklace. She scooped the orb in one hand and looked at it, admiringly. "Do you like it?" She asked Peach, waving the orb at Peach as though the orb was a key ring, and Peach was a baby. "It's a gift from my husband." Shellby continued. "Probably the first romantic thing he's ever done for me." "Sheesh, petty much?" Peach thought. "I'd like the orb, Shellby." She said, extending her hand with her palm open. "Okay," Shellby replied, pretending to pull the orb off. "But first!" And then, Shellby used the orb, which caused the fluorescent lights to go out, and caused the gravity inside the space station to increase. Peach felt to the floor. It was extremely dark in the station, the only light coming from the nebulae outside the station. Peach was at a disadvantage, she couldn't see Shellby. The latter, on the other hand, took advantage of the darkness to attack Peach. She used her ice breath to attack Peach, the poor princess wasn't able to dodge, and got the shivers. Peach jumped around in the dark, and while the first few attempts proved futile, she eventually landed a hit on Shellby, which caused the lights to turn back on. Shellby withdrew into her shell and started spinning around, hoping to knock Peach over. Upon withdrawing from her shell, the same thing happened, although Peach began to get better at aiming for Shellby. Eventually, Shellby was defeated, and Peach took her necklace. She tore the black orb off, and started leaving the space station. The gravity began decreasing, and when Peach turned around, she saw that Shellby was coming after her. "Get back here!" She shouted. "You ruined my necklace!" Peach was already out of the station, and she was flying towards another floating rock with dead plants on it. The doors behind Peach closed, and Shellby was trapped in the station. As soon as Peach's feet touched the rock, she hoisted the orb into the blackness and began chanting. "O Umbros, Keeper of Darkness, awaken and undo this turmoil!" After Peach chanted, one by one, the stars began popping up, slowly turning a black void of nothing into a magical display of shimmering lights.

The stars around Peach twinkled and sparkled. Peach had a hint of a smile on her face, not just because of the twinkling stars, but because of the fact she had only one Keeper to find. The black orb changed into a key. "Just one more to go," the voice informed Peach, "now chant 'Shadow Onyx Key, guide me to the Temple of The Keepers'." As soon as Peach chanted the phrase, she was sent back to the Temple of The Keepers in a flash of black light, or darkness? It was hard to tell. Either way, Peach was in the Temple of The Keepers, and the key inserted itself into the door. Over the circle next to Electra's, a black outline began forming. From the outline came Umbros. Umbros looked a little like Poisius, with the black cloak and all. However, the main difference was that the hood of the cloak was up, and it hid Umbros's face. Some of Umbros's wavy, night black hair peeked out from the hood of the cloak. His skin was almost paper white, and his mouth was set in a line. It was hard to tell if Umbros was bored or trying to hold back some sort of expression.

Author's Note: I apologise for the rushed nature of these last few chapters, I'm not really interested in writing this story anymore, but I will finish it, hopefully in time for the release of Princess Peach: Showtime!

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