Chapter 10: The Storm Of Serenity Sky Islands

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After reviving Pyro, Peach was immediately teleported out of The Temple of The Keepers. She only had three Keepers left to find, and three battles to go until she could fix her picture book completely. Peach was teleported somewhere up in the sky. She knew it was the sky because all around she saw floating islands. However, it was raining, but it wasn't the typical mild inconvenience rain, this was a full-on downpour. Not only that, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and there was no peace to be found amongst them. Suddenly, Peach heard a rumbling noise. "Is that...thunder?" Just as Peach thought that, a giant lightning bolt flashed in front of her. Had it struck Peach, who knows what would have happened. "Woah! Princess Peach!" The voice exclaimed. "I'm alright, voice." Peach told the voice, still reeling from the shock of almost getting electrocuted. "That was scary." The voice replied. "Anyway, you are now in Serenity Sky Islands, if you can even call it serene, that is. As you may know, given this poor weather, Electra, the Keeper of Electricity, is being held here."

Thunder roared throughout Serenity Sky Islands. This looked to be even more dangerous than Shiver Valley. Peach saw a trail of floating islands leading off the one she was standing on. "Stay strong, Peach." Peach muttered under her breath, lightning cracking behind her. "No, you ARE strong." Peach leapt from island to island through the heavy rain. While crossing the islands, lightning flashed in between some of the islands, and on one, very harrowing occasion, Peach came very close to getting struck by the lightning. Peach was reaching the last few islands, when the wind began to get stronger. "Don't tell me Ventus got kidnapped again." She said, aloud. Right as she reached the last island, the wind swept Peach off her feet, and dragged her into the stormy sky. "Where is it taking me?" She asked, aloud. Peach suddenly noticed jagged, yellow, transparent lines forming around her. She got herself out of the way of them, and as soon as she did, lightning tore through the sky, accompanied by a boom of thunder. "That was close." Peach thought. A few seconds later, more yellow lines started appearing, and Peach rolled out of the way. Lightning struck. "Huh, this is actually kinda fun." Peach said, brightly. "Well, aside from being drenched and tumbling in the air." More lines started forming around Peach, meaning lightning was about to strike. Peach tumbled out of the way as lightning struck. Through the pouring rain, Peach could see something she wasn't quite expecting to see, especially in these miserable conditions. A rainbow was sitting above her. After avoiding lightning strikes one more time, Peach was placed on the rainbow. But as soon as her feet touched the rainbow, she was sent running. "Aah! What's happening!?" Peach exclaimed, unable to process what was going on. Even worse than that, the storm was getting worse. Lightning was striking the rainbow, and at times, Peach nearly got struck by it. The thunder was also getting louder, which caused Peach to wonder if it meant something. "Maybe Electra was nearby." Peach thought. She was so distracted that she didn't notice that another lightning bolt was about to strike. The speed at which Peach was running at didn't help. At the very last second, as a lightning bolt was about to strike, Peach barely managed to get out of the way. However, now she was tumbling through the sky, meaning she was even more vulnerable to lightning strikes. Off in the distance, Peach could see some floating islands. Peach hoped she would have at least a less harsh landing she took when she was finding Ventus. Lightning struck around her as she flew. The islands were getting closer, they reminded her of Shangri-Spa. The only difference was that there were a lot more islands, a lot more buildings, it seemed to be more of a town than just a spa resort. On one of the islands sat an elaborately decorated fountain, Peach hoped she didn't land in it. Being in water during a thunderstorm is very dangerous, and could lead to electrocution or death. Unfortunately for Peach, she landed in the fountain. "Madam," a voice said to her when she landed. "Tis a public fountain, not a swimming pool." Peach tried her best to get out of the fountain, when out of nowhere, lightning struck the fountain, electrocuting Peach. A group of angelic inhabitants pulled Peach's vibrating body out of the fountain and laid her out on the ground. They transported her to the healing temple, as quickly as they could. They couldn't afford to just walk to the temple for obvious reasons. The weather being one of them. Once they reached the healing temple, the angels brought Peach to a small room with only a few beds, and laid her on one of them. Her body had stopped vibrating at this point, but Peach was still unconscious. There was a huge, disfiguring scar across her face, shaped almost exactly like a lightning bolt. Peach regained consciousness a few minutes later, she was pretty weak, and had that scar, but was otherwise okay. "Greetings, madam, how art thou feeling?" One of the angels asked her. "Electrocuted, what else can I say?" She replied. The angels laughed like a bunch of Victorians. "What was the cause of your grand entrance?" Another angel asked. Like she always did, Peach explained the Keeper situation. "I say," One of the angels said once Peach finished her speech. "I wouldn't put it past Electra to have caused this tempest." "That's the thing," Peach rebuffed. "it's technically not her fault, some bad guy is using her power to create the storm." Peach was still feeling a bit weak, even after staying in that temple for at least two hours. She wasn't so weak she couldn't get out of bed, but still quite weak. Suddenly, an angel came running in, panting and sweating. "They are coming!" She said between puffs. "Who's coming?" Peach asked, outside the roars of thunder got louder. "The airships!" Airships, that could mean only one thing. Bowser's troop probably hunted Peach down, and were trying to lure her out, no doubt that they were livid about Peach undoing the damage they'd done. Slowly, Peach crept out of bed and to the entrance of the temple. The rain was mercilessly pouring, and every three seconds there was lightning. More importantly, a group of airships came flying toward the islands. "Bowser's airship!" Peach exclaimed. A large mechanical hand came out of the airship, and suddenly, it started flying towards Peach! Before Peach could have time to react, the hand grabbed her, and dragged her into the airship. Peach was inside a storage unit, she giggled at the irony of being taken onto an airship. "Oh, typical Bowser, never thinking things through." The door swung open, and in came some Spikes with ropes. "We gotcha." They said, threateningly. "A little too late." Peach thought as they approached her. "Hey, boys," Peach said. "What's that over there?" She asked, pointing at something that wasn't there. She hoped to distract the Spikes, but they saw right through her and laughed, heartily. "Yeah, right, like I'm actually going to fall for that!" One of them said, they continued approaching Peach. It was now or never, she had to get away from the Spikes. She sidestepped over to a wooden box, and kicked it over. Spilling out of the box were spiked balls and Bob-Ombs. "What have you done!?" One of the Spikes asked, outraged. "Countess Kamek will kill us!" The other one said, a tone of fear in his voice. Wait, Kamek? That was unexpected. Peach quietly snuck outside the storage room and quickly closed the door. The weather outside was still awful. Peach knew she had to get off the airship before it exploded, and she said Bowser didn't think things through. She quickly jumped off the airship, it exploded and it propelled her to another airship nearby. "Where are you, Kamek?" Peach asked herself. As though by magic, Grandma Kamek appeared. "Greetings, Princess." She said, aiming her wand at Peach. She suddenly noticed that on Grandma Kamek's wand was a small yellow orb. "Electra." Peach breathed. "I see you've escaped our trap!" Grandma Kamek continued. "I can't really call that a trap." Peach replied. Suddenly, lightning struck the airship, breaking it in half. Peach was sent free-falling into the sky. Grandma Kamek went after her, some spike balls and Bob-Ombs from the airship fell too. Grandma Kamek started blasting electric blasts at Peach, trying to electrocute her. Lightning flashed as she did so. Peach avoided the blasts as she did, but then she noticed the spike balls and Bob-Ombs falling from the sky. A spike ball hit Kamek in the head. She teleported around Peach to confuse her, but a spike ball landed in her grasp. When Grandma Kamek stopped teleporting, Peach threw it at her. After some more teleporting, a Bob-Omb landed in her hands. After throwing it at her, it exploded and Kamek dropped her wand. Peach grabbed it and removed the orb from it, she was sure Grandma Kamek was lightheaded. "O Electra, Keeper of Electricity, awaken and undo this turmoil!" She chanted. As she did, the dark clouds started to clear, and the sun shone through. A lovely blue sky was becoming more and more visible, and white clouds started forming. Peach saw she was about to land on a stray floating island. She landed on it and sat down on the grass, watching Grandma Kamek, the spike balls, the Bob-Ombs, and the airships fall...somewhere.

Peach listened to the sounds of the birds and the wind gently blowing. The sky was a pleasant blue, and the clouds were pure white. This was pure bliss, and thankfully, Peach only had two more Keepers to find. The yellow orb was now a key. "You're almost there, Princess Peach." The voice told her. "Can't believe it myself." Peach replied. "Now, please lift the key and chant 'Voltage Citrine Key, guide me to The Temple of The Keepers!'." As soon as Peach recited the chant, she vanished from Serenity Sky Islands in a flash of yellow light. Upon returning to the temple, the key inserted itself under the three keys above it. Only two keyholes remained. Above the circle next to Pyro's, a yellow outline began forming. It then took the form of Electra, the Keeper of Electricity. Electra had the most distinctive appearance of the Keepers, resembling a cartoon supervillain. She wore a dark yellow jumpsuit with yellow stripes on both sides, yellow leather gloves and boots with bolts painted on them, and a yellow belt. Her saturated yellow hair was messy and tied into a ponytail that resembled a lightning bolt.

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