2 - Hardpoint

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A helicopter gracefully traversed the airspace above a frigid lake, gradually approaching a substantial bunker. After a brief interval, the helicopter initiated a controlled suspension directly above a designated area. Subsequently, the earth beneath them parted, allowing the helicopter to descend and safely touch down.

The ground then sealed shut as Nine hopped out of the helicopter, accompanied by guards. "That was so boring!" Nine declared, nonchalantly stretching his arms before someone smacked him the back of the head. "You're always bored." Trophy said, lighting a cigarette. The cigarette then flew out of Trophy's hand.

"How the hell?" He looked around, no fellow guards beside him. "Boo!" Bow appeared out of thin air. Trophy immediately jumped back before regaining his composure. "God damn it, Bow." He sighed as Nine just watched them. "Gotcha, Captain!" Bow grinned.

"You behave in such an immature manner." Uttered a tall man clad in a sophisticated grey suit, his gaze directed downwards to Bow. With a friendly wave, Bow greeted her towering friend. "Hi SS!! :)" Silver Spoon replied with a wave. While the other two were talking. Trophy and Nine headed to the meeting room.

As They entered the room, Nine sat down at the round table in the middle. Trophy stood behind him, his arms crossed. After a few minutes, several people arrived, taking a seat at the table. Immediately, someone caught Nine's attention.

"Hey, two!" With a friendly wave, he beckoned over to a woman elegantly clad in a resplendent emerald tuxedo. "Hello, Nine." She replied, returning the gesture with a graceful wave of her own. Just as Nine was about to open his mouth to speak, a heavy book came hurtling through the air, striking him square on the head. The impact was so forceful that it sent him tumbling backward, his body spinning uncontrollably as it crashed into the ground below.

Trophy released a mischievous chuckle before looking in the direction the book came from. "Who the hell let him in here?!" Shouted a petite woman clad in a ruby tuxedo. "Nice to see you too, Three..." Nine said, slowly picking himself up. A man in casual wear spoke up. "Three, please refrain from injuring other members." Three then looked over to the man. "My apologies, Ten."

Beside Ten was a short boy, twiddling her fingers. The boy jumped as a fist slammed down onto the table. "My god! Will you stop, X? It's annoying to look at!" Yelled a medium-sized woman clad in a sophisticated sapphire suit. "Sorry, Four..." X quickly stopped, looking down at the ground. "There's no reason to be so rude, Four." A maroon wearing man commented. "Oh, shut it, Five."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Eight said, obviously ignoring Seven. "C'mon, Eight! It's not that hard to think about!" Seven exclaimed before Six punched him in the face, sending him into a wall. "You're so fucking annoying." She said, rubbing her hand for a moment.

"So, why did you call us here, two?" Five questioned as Suitcase spoke into his ear. "Well, recently, we've been dealing with the organization, Talo. They've attacked Nine's facility and other multiple sites." Two replied, Lightbulb spinning in circles behind her.

"Does this mean... we're gonna get killed?" X hid behind his two guards, Yin and Yang, obviously afraid of the possibility. "It might mean we do or don't." Ten replied as Balloon told him something before leaving. "Well, I say we just charge them with all we got!" Four recommended, crossing her arms.

"Doing that could end up in a loss." Eight commented as Seven finally woke up and got back into his seat."Nah, I'm with Four. We should just charge them!" Six added with a grin. Nine didn't say anything as he slept peacefully. Three stared at him before sighing and pulling out another book. At the same time, Trophy rose a hand. Then Trophy slapped Nine in the head, sending him off of his chair before a book struck his head, sending him unconscious.

Everyone stared at the now unconscious Nine. Four bursted into laughter as Ten sighed. "Should've been paying attention." Five muttered.

"So, what are we going to do about Talo?" Eight asked, tapping the table with his index finger. "I say we do this strategically and bait them." Ten commented, X nodded in agreement as Seven gave a thumbs up. Two simply nodded her head. "So, that's 4 votes in agreement." Ten then looked at the others. "Trophy, since Nine is currently unavailable. Care to vote for him." Trophy nodded. "I am with you 4." He then went back to being silent. "That's 5 votes. The opposing side has been outvoted." Ten then stood up, walking out of the room.

The rest of the group left, leaving an unconscious Nine in the room. Trophy slapped Nine, somehow waking him up. "Let's go." Nine sighed as Trophy told him. The two then left the room. "That was the best rest I've ever had!" Nine exclaimed, stretching his arms. "You were unconscious for most of the meeting. I wouldn't exactly call that a rest." Trophy mentioned before Nine walked in another direction to deal with a few things.

Trophy then headed to the barracks. Where most of the captains and their squads were. As he entered the barracks, he bumped into Balloon. "Huh?" Balloon looked behind him, looking up at Trophy. Balloon then immediately hid behind Suitcase, obviously afraid. "W-What do you want?" Balloon quietly spoke. "Nothing." Trophy just gave Suitcase a small handshake before heading over to another squad.

"Jeez, you're so fucking disgusting." Yin said, pushing away Tissues. "Yin! Don't be so rude to the captain!" Yang grabbed his brother by the arm, dragging him to the opposite side. "It's... ACHOO, alright.." Tissues said, wiping his nose for the moment. "Yin's right, you're disgusting." Trophy said, moving to beside Tissues.

"Oh.. ACHOO, Hi Trophy.." Tissues looked over to beside him. "Hello Tissues." Yang was just holding his brother back from attacking Trophy as the two had some past troubles. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU," Yin shouted, his hand placed onto the holster of his knife. "Yin, calm down!" Yang said, pulling his brother back. "Nice to see you two too." Trophy grinned, walking to Yin and booping his nose before heading to his squad.

"Hey, Captain!" Bow waved at Trophy with a huge smile. Silver Spoon was sitting beside her, reading a book. "Oh, hello, Captain." Silver Spoon said, looking to Trophy. "I have some news to tell you!" Bow then told Trophy dozens of things, ranging from dramas between workers and relationships. Silver Spoon just sat there and listened to Bow's thing. Trophy just sighed as he grabbed a seat and sat down to listen better.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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