"Are you saying you'd give him advice?" Ayanokoji inquired.

"Is there something wrong with that?"

"Well, no... I just didn't think you'd be willing to." He said honestly. 

"As much as I berate brother dearest, I don't hate him. I understand his point of view." Suzune said.

And it's true; being constantly coddled (especially by not outstanding adult figures) can affect you even if you don't necessarily feel a 'change' or 'switch'.

"Even though he thought the fact that his own sister was in a class that wasn't class A was shameful? That if the word spread his reputation would be tarnished?" Why the hell's he so hellbent on this situation?

If anything, he could care less.

"Reputation is regarded as everything in public society. It can either cause you to grow leaps and bounds, or drag you far, far down into the depths of unhealthy mental conditions."

Ayanokoji's sly mutter of "you'd know a lot about that" didn't go unheard, so she fired back with,

"Don't act like you can talk, Daddy Issues. God knows what kind of perfectionist ideals were shoved down your throat at the age of eight."

"Bold of you to assume I learned about ideals that late in my life, Horikita. When it comes to perfectionism, you're one of the last people who can criticize me for my behaviour."

Suzune felt her left eye lightly twitch.


March 9th rolled around, and Hirata was acting as emo as ever. Mei-yu tried going after him, but Suzune put her arm out in front of her. "It's not worth it. He'll come around eventually. You know he will, so have some faith, okay?"

It was class C's free period of the day, and they decided to use it as a discussion time for the upcoming special exam.

Koenji decided to stay for their peptalk, for some reason.

"Koenji's still here? Why?" Sudo shared similar thoughts.

The narcissist flipped his hair. "I'm a part of this class, am I not? As much as I treasure my position here, I'd be appreciative if we could wrap this discussion up quickly. I'm a busy person myself."

"Alright, now with that out of the way," Suzune placed the ten cards (eight white, two gold) that Chabashira provided her with on the board with magnets. "Do any of you have ideas for the events we should choose?"

The discussion flowed along pretty well. Writing down people's suggestions, asking the class to vote on what should be competitive and not competitive.

Even Koenji raised his hand a couple times. Which was bizarre, but okay--It's better than him being entirely un-cooperative, she guesses.

"Alright, we can finish the discussion there." How many times can you say discussion until it doesn't sound like a word anymore?

The class began packing up their things or moving to chat with their clicks. Kushida in particular seemed to be in quite the foul mood. Suzune will drown out her shouting in her ears later.

You're probably asking:
Why is Suzune being so lenient with Kushida? Why is she letting Kushida basically do whatever she wants? Well, that answer is pretty simple.

When it comes down to it, her and Kushida really aren't that different.

(Also, the plan to expel Kushida isn't going to manifest itself now, will it?)


It was late at night when Kushida rang her, willingly.

Now that's character growth.

CHANGED - Classroom of the Eliteحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن