A Shocking Return

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(The scene shows a portrait of Desti)

(The title card appears)

Narrator: A Shocking Return.

(The title card disappears)

(The scene fades to Thomas puffing down his branch line with Annie and Clarabel)

(Thomas is humming the War of the Fat Italians Rap Battle from 2021)

Narrator: One day, Thomas was happily puffing down his branch line. He was doing the local.

(The scene then fades to Thomas puffing into Maron Station)

Thomas: (sighs) Doesn't it feel nice to get a taste of fresh air.... and sing a catchy song to yourself?

(Annie chuckles)

Annie: Oh, Thomas.

Clarabel: You make us laugh sometimes.

(Thomas chuckles)

(The stationmaster blows his whistle)

(Thomas toots and puffs off)

(The scene fades to Thomas puffing down the coastline track)

Narrator: But when Thomas was puffing down the coastal line.....

(Coughing and spluttering is heard)

Thomas: Huh?

Narrator: .....he heard some strange coughing on the beach side. Then.....

(Thomas gasps)

(Thomas applies his brakes)

(Thomas stops just near the beachside)

Narrator: .....he couldn't believe who he saw.

(The scene cuts to Desti, who is soaking wet, struggling to get up)

(The scene cuts to Thomas)

(Thomas is gobsmacked on seeing Desti)

Thomas: Oh...... my....... g-

(Thomas is still in shock)

(Thomas' driver gets out of the cab to go and help Desti)

(The scene cuts to Desti, who has now up on her feet)

Desti: Man. That was rough.

Thomas' Driver: Um. Do you need a bit of help, ma'am?

Desti: Does it look like it?!

Thomas' Driver: Uh. Okay then.

Desti: And, sir?

(The scene cuts to Thomas who is still shocked)

Desti: Why is your engine a little shocked at me?

(The scene cuts to Desti and Thomas' Driver)

Thomas' Driver: That's because he's heard a story about you before.

(The scene cuts to Thomas)

Thomas: That's right! You're Desti! And..... (sheepishly) I genuinely thought you died.

(The scene cuts to Desti and Thomas' Driver)

(Desti chuckles)

Desti: Oh, it's a long story. And I'll talk about that later.

(The scene cuts to Thomas)

A Shocking ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now