A Painful Farewell

Start from the beginning

The Gods looked at their grandmother in horror. Whatever beauty she once had was vanished, replaced only by her insanity. Her vibrant green eyes were wide and blood shot. Frizzy, curly auburn hair flowed down past her waist, tangled and dreaded, intertwined with sticks and leaves. Her skin was a composition of dirt and decomposing materials, green veins mapping their way down to her feet almost like veins. Her teeth were sharp and pointed, her nails a cloudy crystals. Ichor dripped from her forehead and wrists but she paid no mind. Her only focus was Percy. But she failed to notice the tension building in his body. Just waiting to snap.

"You say you kill monsters dear Perseus. Then why have you not ended your own life? You are a monster worse then any of my creations. You have killed your blood, betrayed your friends, sacrificing them. Or worse, letting them end their live to save yours. You are the true monster. Your false hope, your illusion of freedom cannot save you now! Any of you! You are at my mercy! You are all powerless against my forces! So give up! Just like she did before I ripped her beating heart from her chest! How poignant!"

The change was so quick, so unexpected, that no one was prepared. The air stood still. Everything had stopped. All the fighting, every breathe...had simply stopped. A deep blue and black aura flared around Percy's body. It was suffocating. Those around him fell to their knees, slammed into the ground as the pressure forced them down. He rose slowly, deliberately, as he kept his head down. He lovingly closed Annabeth's eyes before looking up.

His eyes were rigid, hard and cold. They glowed, full of sadistic promise, as heart freezing as a gorgon's glare. But they were not his memorizing sea green. They were black. Pure black, flashing with red and blue lights. Hatred, pain and rage stormed in his orbs, not a shred of doubt to be seen. As Gaea made eye contact, she balked. Never before had she seen eyes like his. He didn't blink, he didn't falter or wave. He looked her straight in the eyes, a cold resolve of death his promise.

His shirt was soaked in both his blood and Annabeth's, the fabric coated in red liquid and gold dust. His shirt was a rag, exposing the countless scars and wounds he had suffered. The deep cuts were accentuated by shadows, a formidable reminder that Percy was no stranger to pain and suffering. White knuckles enclosed a leaf shaped blade, the same blade that had reaped the souls of her many minions. His shoulders were erect, his chin held high, oozing confidence. His jaw was clenched, his teeth grinding as he held back. As he rose to his full height, he truly looked terrifying.

The aura of black and sea green cloaked him, the energy pulsing with his heart beat. It absorbed all the light, casting the world into a colorless void, accenting his horrifying wounds. The clear sky clouded over, the black storm clouds' rumbling growls chilling. Lightning streaked and flashed in the sky, striking the ground in uncontrolled, fiery passions.The wind began to rise, circling around Percy. He stretched out his hands, the winds screaming out in terror and anticipation. The air chilled, a drop in temperature so sudden that the grass and tree leaves frosted over. The waves fought each other, white wash pounding at beaches, tearing away at every rock in their way. The waters raged in thirst for revenge, mirroring the torment their master's soul was undergoing. The rivers roared, the currents gushing in anticipation, eager to cause harm. The ground shook and shattered, the ground opening its maw against Mother Nature's will. Icy rain torrented down, the drops like needles, piercing Gaea's earthy veins.

And not once did he break eye contact.

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