He just stares at the Malfoy prince faltering in his visions with a devilish grin -- thinking of another way to annoy him just how he annoys her.

"On with your childlike ways again."

Dale walks beside his older brother, a book in his hand. He was watching earlier how his brother chimes into Y/N and Malfoy after their little argument.

"Giving him what he deserves -- have you found it?" Dale shook his head. He handed the book that he was holding -- "but I found this,"

Austin eyes the book that was passed in his hands. It was a book in the colour of a mixed purple and blue -- it distinguishes of a magical night that floods the sky in an enchanted field -- flowers surrounding everywhere and the glow that trickles from the fireflies encircles the two forms of shadows -- one in a hanging swing where her hair dances with the wind as she leans through the night -- and one who's clutching what seems to be a wand, watching the girl have fun.

"L'amour entre les perdus? Isn't this..." He trailed off from his own words, astounded by his brother's skill for finding this kind of a book.

So curious, he went as far as attempting to open it but was only stopped by Dale, holding a hand atop the book, shutting it close.

"Are you out of your mind? Open this and you will be sent straight to your greatest nightmares."

Oh, how Austin wanted to open the book and read what entails inside of it. However, he closed his eyes and steels himself.

"We need to send this to father, he would know how to use this." Dale nodded, following his brother to the owlery.

They secured the book in a thick type of parchment paper -- they went to the nests of their owls, one has two each so the book will be easier carried by the owls.

"Send them back to the manor, make sure it's safe and no one reads it before father." The four owls nodded and flew away.

The two Silverlings just hoped that the book would be safe from the journey. And hoped that the book was somehow of help to them and her.

It is now after classes, and Y/N is on her way to the Headmaster's Tower.

She had enough of these questions that were never answered or she had been lied to. She cannot be hallucinating that night because she felt Fluffy in her arms and Neville is still scared to this day.

Y/N has yet to reach the Stairwell Gargoyle where she pronounced the words 'Sherbet Lemon' as fast as she could. The gargoyle leapt aside, revealing a slowly ascending circular staircase.

She hurriedly climbed the staircase -- when she reached the top of the stair, she opened the double oaked door and went into the room where she saw her grandfather reading a book.

"Ah Y/N, how are you?" Dumbledore asked softly -- whereas she just stayed silent and went straight to his desk.

"Why is Fluffy in the third-floor corridor and what is he guarding there?" Dumbledore was frozen -- he looked back at his granddaughter with hesitancy incised on his complexion.

While on the contrary, Y/N is standing -- waiting for the answer hopefully to come out of her grandfather's mouth and finally have a goodnight sleep for once.

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