ney might've taught me a thing or two on dribbling, but i picked up on the rest myself. so i made it around balde when iñigo came out of nowhere so i had to go around once more, but again, it seemed like no one was open.

so i took my shot.

sometimes i don't like to think it's skill, just luck. and it was on my side because stegen definitely wasn't expecting that.

shortly after, everyone was open when i no longer needed it and we led 2-0.

"we gotta work on that spacing." i say when they huddle around me again. "you're so fast we gotta catch up!" that's not an excuse when i need my team. but i know we'll fix that. "five more minutes!" we're leading now, but my dad always loves to pull something last minute.

"keep an eye on that one," and i point at him to everyone. "um... your dad?"

"no, he's the opponent right now." in five minutes he'll be my dad again.

they all pat my back and we get back to it. i think i know my dad better than anyone to know what he's doing. i saw xavi's hand motions, something along the lines of countering us and honestly, it was working.

pedri had the ball again.

he's being predictable right now which isn't normal for him, so what do i do?

i sneak up. i wasn't just gonna let him have it so i tried to get it in between his legs before we slowly got tethered. "es mío! (it's mine!)"

"and i'm making it mine." i say back.

everyone sees us and i can see frenkie try and get it but alexia meets him halfway so we all just kinda fight for it until i can finally get it and kick it to salma who's in the box.

unfortunately, stegan's catching on and shortly passes it back to araujo after her attempt. "two minutes!" i sigh and force myself to give it my all before all my problems come rushing back.

i really did mean that this is one of the only ways to clear my mind.

alexia somehow loses control and i see gavi get it in his possession. he's running, and surprisingly hasn't tripped, so why not do something about that, but as soon as i try, i felt someone follow, but i don't turn around until i see a pair of predators catching up.

i don't know why i'm pedri's target but he forgets i can out run him and manage to trip gavi. "come on!"

it's their free kick and it makes it's way to gündogan who kicks it all the way to my dad and i'm left to do all this running to try and catch up, but no, he makes it in.

i roll my eyes like times not out and they lost 2-1.

"como pueden ganar contra madrid pero no a ellas? (how can you guys win against madrid and not against them?)" back track because i'm just as good as they are. "go get water and congrats guys." xavi tells us and we all walk back to the benches.

"you really are his daughter, huh?" stegen puts his giant glove over my shoulder behind and i can't lie and say it startled me.

"except you're way faster because what was that?!"

balde's soothing his calves like we don't run at almost the same pace. "anyways," i say and laugh it off, filling up a cup from the cooler and sitting on the turf. it was evening and the sunset was beautiful. i would've enjoyed it longer if he hadn't sat next to me.

i didn't say anything, i just moved away slightly.

my annoyance was obvious, but i don't know why he doesn't get it after he just got closer. "algo te pasa (something wrong), marisol?" theres just no way he of all people are asking.

so i stick to my silence. believe it or not, it's louder than the words i want to say.


"what happened to mari?"

and to think my silence was louder. "did you go back to your old ways? or newer ones?" especially after he met her. "i just wanted to ask if you were okay." he turns to look at me and i so happened to meet him halfway. "everything's great." but not one expression on my face says that. "um, you sure because-"

"i'm sorry but seriously... stay away from me."

i don't know who heard that, but maybe they felt it when i stomped back onto the field and started juggling a ball out of frustration.

it helped me keep concentrated and away from anything behind me. if i'm being honest, i'm glad none of this has affected the way i play. i know no one ever will, not him, nor her.

i hear steps but i don't wanna turn around till i really have to.

"mari," but it's just my dad. i stop juggling and turn to face him, "i'm proud of you for sticking up for yourself and i'm proud of who you are out there, i hope you know that."

he tips my head and kisses it gently when i go in for a very much needed hug.

"gracias (thank you), papa. that's all i'll ever need to hear from you."

it's a reminder of who i am.

so although i'd love to be my own person one day, i'll always be leo messi's daughter. what's there not to be proud of?

but i can assure you i'll find a way to meet all expectations no matter how high or low.

cruel summer | PEDRI GONZALEZ Where stories live. Discover now