as the cashier bagged him and wooseok's snacks, dal's phone rang in his pocket, picking it up quickly. "hello?" he asked, putting the phone up to his ear. "dal!" the voice said, dal smiling, nodding his head as he picked up the bag. "eunjoo noona." "are you in the hotel?" pressing the crossing button, dal tapped his foot, fanning the air away. "no, why?"

"oh it's kind of loud in your room. i was wondering if you and wooseok were doing something together." letting out a sigh, dal crossed the street, entering the lobby of the hotel. "i just got back but i'll check on him." "thank you! i'll pick you up in about 20 minutes so be ready." "okay. goodbye noona." "bye dal!"

pressing the button, dal entered the opened elevator, going up to his floor. moving down the hallway, he slid the card in the door, wooseok's loud voice seeping through. "jiho babe i'll be home in a few weeks i promise." silence. "no please don't leave me i'll do anything-" silence again. "goodbye jiho."

"wooseok?" dal asked, knocking on the open door. "oh dal! you're back!" wooseok smiled, dropping his phone to hug his friend. "who were you calling?" wooseok's smile dropped, quickly regaining it in a few milliseconds. "no one." dal's mind raced, knowing that was untrue. "okay. get ready then eat."

stealing the bag from dal's hand, wooseok plopped in his bag, peeling open a bag of sweet tarts. getting a black shirt and blue cardigan, dal took his jeans from the edge of the bed and walked into the bathroom to change.

looking into the mirror, dal pulled off his shirt, tracing the edges of the hickeys mingyu left. "ah my crazy boy." he chuckled, putting on deodorant, patting concealer over the areas he didn't want people to see. "ready?" wooseok asked, dal exiting the bathroom and pulling his shirt back on. "let's go."


walking to his seat, dal prepared the makeup for the concert, the concert staff finishing multiple checks for the stage. "is the makeup set up?" dal's supervisor said, dal nodding. "i'm going to check with the stylist." he said, bowing before walking away, happily chatting with the stylist prepping clothes. "for a few changes we need to cut down time so i'll try to get him out faster so you can do touch ups." she said, putting woozi's jacket on a hanger and handing it to their coworker. "i can give you an extra towel so you can pat down sweat if you want." thinking for a second, she nodded, dal grabbing one from his cart. "here."

the two continued to talk, dal smiling brightly, missing seventeen filtering in. "i think someone's waiting for you?" the stylist pointed, dal turning around to mingyu sitting in his chair. "i'll go." dal nervously chuckled, waving goodbye to the stylist.

"hi mingyu, what's up?" "missed you." he pouted, hugging dal's waist. "don't be sad i'm here. we also need to start getting you ready." grabbing mingyu's arms, dal pulled him up, sending him toward the stylist. checking his watch, dal sighed, rubbing his temple. 7:30.

"jangmi noona," dal asked, jangmi humming to show he was paying attention. "what time do they have to be set on stage?" thinking for a second, she finished wiping the table. "i think at 7:55 latest. makeup was said to be finished by 7:45." "thanks!" he smiled, internally panicking.

mingyu walked back over, dal smiling at his outfit. "gyu we got to work fast." dal urged, mingyu sitting down, smiling at dal priming his face. "you've got this!" applying mingyu's foundation, dal hummed lightly. grabbing his setting powder, dal set mingyu's base, picking the selected palette and brushes from the cup, applying pigment on his eyes.

"i think we're done. go enjoy your time." smiling happily, mingyu rubbed dal's shoulder. "you got this mingyu." "thanks dal."

as mingyu walked away, dal's heart fluttered, wishing something between them would start sooner rather than later.


mingyu sunk in his seat, back in his rest clothes. "ugh." he groaned, dal putting micellar water on a towel. "you did it mingyu. close your eyes." mingyu continue to breathe heavily, dal brushing his makeup off.

"hey dal?" he asked, dal humming in focus. "i'll be at your room in half an hour after we're home. we're going out." "really?" dal asked, concealing his surprise. "yep be sneaky."

"mingyu we're going!" wonwoo yelled, mingyu grabbing his stuff and leaving, waving goodbye. "let's go home." wooseok said, falling asleep standing up. "let's go." dal said, packing up the makeup and grabbing his and wooseok's stuff, walking out to eunjoo.


looking at himself, dal smiled, spraying his favorite perfume in the air. the same pair of jeans were clad on his body, a white dress shirt hugging his torso. "just going out with mingyu at almost midnight. completely normal." walking out, dal creeped out the door, making sure wooseok was asleep.

"hey cutie." a voice said, tapping dal's shoulder. "gyu." dal smiled, hugging his friend. "for you." mingyu handed him a bouquet of flowers, dal smiling happily. "thank you!"

"let's go?" mingyu asked, dal nodding. lacing their hands together, dal walked down the stairs, feeling extremely safe.


"so where are we?" dal asked, the two walking in the dark area. "eleanor tinsley park." mingyu smiled, dal impressed. "you did research on where to take me?" "everything for you dal."

stopping quickly, dal was pulled to mingyu's chest, giggling. leaning down, mingyu connected their lips, dal quickly kissing back once he melted into the touch. "that never gets old." mingyu smiled, pulling away. "you're a good kisser mingyu." "thank you." he smiled once more, leaving another peck on dal's lips.

"there's something i want to ask." mingyu said, dal taking a deep breath in. this could be it. listening in excitement, dal held mingyu's hands, heart beating heavily. "tell me."

"i like you." there. dal immediately broke into a smile, heart fluttering. "i like you so much. i don't know if it was obvious the last two months we've been kissing but i have really large feelings for you. if you don't feel the same i understand. we can continue this no strings attached relationship. but i just want to let you know."

"i like you too mingyu." dal said, mingyu's face turning bright immediately. "really? oh my god!" mingyu screamed, picking him up and twirling him around. "we like each other." dal giggled, his head against mingyu's chest. "dal. be my boyfriend. i want to be yours and i want you to be mine."

the two looked at each other happily, dal laughing happily. mingyu grabbed his jaw, caressing his face. "so beautiful," he whispered, pecking the sharp edge. "and i'm all yours." dal giggled, wrapping his arms around mingyu's neck. "you're all mine."

connecting their lips, dal felt so happy, his heart fluttering. their first kiss as boyfriends. "thank you boyfriend." mingyu said, pulling away. "i like that." dal said, repeating the word under his breath. "cute." pulling their faces together again, mingyu pressed his lips against his boyfriend's, happily kissing dal.

"dal. i'll be here forever." smiling, dal pulled away, mingyu hugging him. "you're so pretty. so so pretty."

mingyu was right. dal was pretty.

words: 1583
not edited

omg so many things to talk abt
1: the rose new song TT its so good ugh
2: thanks to -DYTY11 for helping me with mingyu asking him out :( i didn't use the main idea but it helped and ily
3: i need to sleep. goodnight

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