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"ICD-10 CODE I46"

    Charlotte peered into the room that she had sat in staring at mark just less than a day before as doctors rushed in and out.

"What's happening?"

"Ma'am please step out"

"No, I'm suppose to be here"
"That's Mark, that's my dad-"

"Please, doctors are trying their best"

"Tell me what's happening!!"

Charlotte was escorted out the room before another word could be said. It surprised charlotte how she had salty tears streaming down her cheeks because it was Mark. Mark, a person she no longer related to, a person she swore wouldn't be the reason she had cried once she left. Mark was the person she promised herself to be safe from.

You know that quote that goes something like "you never appreciate what you have till you lose it?" Well Charlotte Harrington never understood it until she watched Mark- her dad's body be covered and his time of death be announced. She had thought she understood the quote a few months ago when Gracie led her out the door but she was wrong, she had never lost Gracie. Gracie was still there, she still had Gracie. It was weird because the moment she arrived on the train to get away from her problems, she felt sadness. She felt empty from leaving someone she had learned to love. But from the moment she stepped out of her childhood house, she didn't feel anything. She still didn't, maybe a little numbness but nothing. Now watching Mark's body being wheeled away, she still felt nothing. Truth was Mark had been dead a long time ago, he had been dead to charlotte the moment he laid a hand on her.
It was difficult watching someone be wheeled away with a body bag covering them, especially when they were supposed to be a parent, a protector, a savor. But this time, charlotte felt free, the quote had been wrong, now that Mark Harrington was officially gone, charlotte felt the numbness leave her. The numbness that arrive in her face that spread to her whole body when the first slap happened, left her body just as quick as it came. It was different from when her mom passed. Sure it hurt but not as much as before. She wouldn't be stuck to bed for months, she wouldn't cry whenever the name was mentioned. Only a little tear here a little tear there.

pls tell me if these chapters make no sense and don't add up cause I need to be better at tracking my story

anyways hope you all enjoy and remember to stay hydrated and sleep

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