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"Hi Katie you're back, Gracie's asleep again"

"Okay good, everything went well?"

"Yep we just talked a bit, she's loopy from the drugs"
"So she doesnt actually know whats happening"

"Yeah that's expected"
"Is it fine if i go in instead?"

"Oh yeah please, go ahead"
"Im going to head down to the cafeteria"
"Call me if you need anything"

The glass door in front of the fish patterned curtains slid closed leaving charlotte outside with her own thoughts. It was weird to finally talk and be close to Gracie again, even if Gracie was unaware of everything going on. It was even weirder that Katie was completely oblivious to all the drama between the two girls. Charlotte felt almost guilty for not telling Katie the truth. In the few months that charlotte had been out of town, Charlotte had longed for a sense of family. She couldn't spill all the drama that was going on to Katie because she didnt want to lose her family. Yes, charlotte considered Gracie's family her own just because she never had the same. But mostly she couldn't because charlotte didnt know the drama. She wasn't sure why Gracie had stormed out on her that night, she wasnt sure why Gracie was so mad at her, she wasnt sure if the two's bond would ever return to their original strength

shorter chapter today
hope y'all had a good day today

also how long do you want this story to go for

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