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              WHERE the fuck is it, charlotte rummaged through her small purse as she looked for her apartment key. All charlotte managed to find was random receipts, her wallet, and phone. At least she had her wallet and phone.

"Sorry you have reached the apartment complex's maintenance team, if this is urgent hang up and dial the emergency service number, if not please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible."

"Hi this is charlotte Harrington, im currently locked out of my apartment and its pouring rain and so i was wondering where i can get another copy of my key or can you send someone as soon as possible, thanks"

                The rain had only gotten bigger during the time that charlotte had fell to walking to her apartment complex. Her wrist still stung like a bitch but it didnt seem too bad. At least not bad enough for an emergency room visit. The almost empty wallet of hers definitely agreed with her decision.

"We're closed already"

"Damn it"

   Charlotte had ventured into the rain to find a dry place to stay while she waited for her apartment key to magically appear or for the maintained staff to tell her the next step. Every store that charlotte had tried to take shelter in had been closed or closing. Charlotte had no other choice but to scurry on and find her own way. She let her legs bring her wherever they wished. But the freedom given to her legs was quickly taken away and regretted when she found herself in front of the Abrams's family house. Not only did she find herself in front of their house, she found her hand raising to ring the doorbell despite knowing exactly where the spare key was.


"August, I-"

"Save it char, i love you but i have to be on Gracie's side for whatever your agrument is"

     After the very very short conversation between the two, charlotte found herself in front of a closed door. The only company she had was the pouring rain and muffled conversation behind the closed door.
   Just as Charlotte was about to turn around and head towards who knows what, a voice called out to her.


"Mrs. Abr- Katie!"

"Oh my god, its pouring out here, come in dear"

"No no, its alright, i was just about to head out"

     Even before another word could be spoken, the thunder roared and a hand quickly motioned for charlotte to enter the warm, rain free house.

"Lottie, your soaked, stay right here and im gonna get you a towel"

"thank you"

"Here's a towel and let me make you some hot tea"

      After finally drying off and warming up at the Abrams's family island counter, Katie, Mrs. Abrams, called it a night, telling Charlotte to make herself at home with whatever she wanted and that Gracie was just upstairs if she wanted. Katie had no idea what was going on between the two girls. And truth be told, neither did Charlotte.

hope y'all are having a good day

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