Apparently, a tall man wearing all black was standing there. When she saw Freen with slightly messy hair , the man immediately saluted, lowering his head slightly. After that he said, "Good morning Miss. I'm Kirk." Then standing up again, he took out something from his pocket, "The chairman would like to give you this." This man named Kirk held the thing with both hands, he waited for Freen to take it.

Freen frowned, and looked at the thing in Kirk's hand. Car key.

Blinking slightly, Freen tried to wake herself up again, she had almost fallen asleep standing up before. She hadn't picked up the key yet, her arms crossed now, her head resting on the right jamb. She thought of something, grandma doesn't know I don't drive yet? She took a deep breath, then took the key. "Thank You." Alright.

When Kirk said goodbye, the apartment door in front of Freen was open. Slightly tilted to the right.

Freen just found out that the apartment has residents, Freen wants to say hello to her neighbors. Freen's friendly demeanor made her want to talk to everyone, including her neighbors now.

Kirk had gone home, and Freen was still in her starting position, she was still very sleepy. But, she really wanted to say hi, good morning or other greeting phrases. However, it seems that it took quite a while for the neighbors to come out of the apartment. Freen couldn't hold back her sleepiness, so she ended up postponing the greeting. She closed the door and returned to the room.

Before continuing her sleep, Freen checked her incoming messages. She saw her grandmother sent one message. Nice dress, hm? Freen chuckled and she pulled the blanket again , for Freen two o'clock is still a very long time.


Kimha Hotel, restaurant

No one wears an I love Mickey T-shirt and jeans that are slightly torn at the knees to enter a fancy restaurant , except for Freen Sarocha Jenius Yoonha.

She didn't care about the stares of the hotel staff, and the little whispered glances from each other. Freen is really being treated like a thug this time. She also wears a bright green hat and slightly dirty white shoes. Actually, Freen had deliberately soiled the shoes, in order to get the most out of her current appearance.

Blind date or whatever, she was going to screw it up in ten minutes, she wished it had been sooner. Freen really doesn't want to do it, but it can't be helped, she needs grandma's money to travel someday.

A man was waiting for her there, sitting with a very neat appearance, even her hair was completely messy to the left. The man appeared to be about the same age as Freen, twenty-seven. Freen had already inquired about the table on her behalf. And, that man was her goal this time.

Freen walked closer to the table, she saw that the man was a bit confused looking at Freen from a distance, his gaze was like she was looking at me? and his eyes widened, when Freen shifted the chair with a little excitement, the voice made the people there look at Freen.

Freen just smiled, then she sat down and spread her legs slightly. Not graceful at all. Freen shifted her seat again to be closer to the circular table. Again, Freen gets more attention. Freen ignored the whispering voice, she looked at the man in front of her with a bored look, but the smile was still on her lips.

"Hi, I'm Freen. Who are you?" Freen loves to talk, but not with the man her grandmother chose. She was just trying to be nice, and hoped this guy would stand up and leave her alone.

However, it seemed that this man didn't give up easily, he tried to prolong the meeting, "I'm Jake." After that it was just silent. This man with thin eyebrows seems to pay attention to Freen, starting from the hat, clothes and watches? Yes, Freen wears a highlighter green watch. Very flashy.

"Uhm, you want to order something?" asked this man. Jake tried to ignore Freen's look.

Freen shook her head and said, "I already ate."

"Oh so, what did you eat?" Ask again, Jake seems to want to make the conversation longer.

Freen answered without thinking, "Grilled cactus."

Jake who heard it couldn't help but say, "Huh?" He had heard wrong.

"Toast." Definitely Freen this time.

"Oh," Jake nodded, then he smiled again. But, now Jake was a bit nervous, he was stared at by Freen earlier, this woman in the hat didn't move her eyes a bit without a smile, don't know what she saw from Jake's face, but her behavior made Jake feel uncomfortable.

A waiter gave them drinking water and a menu book. After that, the young man stood some distance away again, apparently waiting to be called again to write an order.

Jake took a sip of the water, after which he put his palms together on the table, he looked thoughtful now. It looked like it was the first time Jake had met a woman like Freen, he couldn't think of what to say. "Mickey mouse, huh?" Jake seemed to be staring at Freen not only, but also this rat character.

Freen was still looking at Jake, she nodded slowly, then replied, "You know who I am?" Freen had suspected many things, one of which was that if her grandmother had told him everything about her, she would have been furious.

Jake said again, he nodded slowly "You are director Choi's daughter, right?"

Freen smiles relieved now that her grandma didn't say she is young Yoonha. Freen knows who director Choi is, he is a grandmother's friend who manages an insurance company, he has nine daughters. Freen didn't answer Jake's question, she said again "What are your hobbies?" Freen asked curtly.

"I like to play golf." Jake seemed to be smiling proudly now. Whereas Freen just said oh in a flat tone. She had already guessed that answer by heart.

"I heard that you often travel abroad, where do you want to go after this?" he asked. Freen was a little taken aback by this question, she was curious what grandma would say to the candidate she chose about herself. Regarding this question, Freen thought of a person, the woman she wanted from two days ago.

Freen was smiling now, then she said, "North Pole." Anyone who hears the word north pole, they don't think the way Freen does. They will think about the icebergs that will melt and harm the world's climate. While Freen answered honestly, she wanted to go to Svalbard, see the aurora. Although Jackson would never agree to go there. She just answered what Jake asked.

Jake gave an awkward laugh, then he said again, "North Pole? With who?"

Before answering, one side of Freen's lips smiled slightly, she said, "I want to go out with my partner later. Then, I want him to look for polar bears so we can play as three of us." Freen's voice was so serious, Jake didn't even realize it was a joke. His eyes were now very worried.

"Um..." Jake's eyes shook slightly. Then he said again, "You're kidding, right?"

Freen is still with that expression, seriously. "No, I mean it. Before, I went with my ex to the amazon jungle, we played with crocodiles there." Freen chuckled, she was smiling now and said, "Don't be afraid, they're all friendly." Freen said about the reptile.

She want this man thought she was a strange woman, besides she hoped Jake thought this chat was nonsense, she wasn't the woman I was looking for. After all the first key in a blind date is communication, right? Freen was still looking at Jake with that look, anyone Freen looking at like that wouldn't feel comfortable. Must be pissed off and want to leave as soon as possible.

Sure enough , finally, Jake pretended to receive a call, he said goodbye and went home.

Freen? She ordered food and lunch alone there. Do not forget, accompanied by whispers from all directions. Freen continues to enjoy the food. She was glad that she managed to get the boy to leave even faster than expected.

Now, she only has to face two more blind dates.



" Oh?" Freen found her.


Dot Of Life [Eng.Vers] FREENBECKY 𝙂𝙭𝙂Where stories live. Discover now