
After Vida ran out the door and away from the others she ran in to the woods as fast as she could and said to her self "three weeks I have to stay here for three weeks! That's way too long to stay with people I don't know or even understand..." Vida sat down on the grass next to a tree and rested her head in her arms, closing her eyes as the tears came streaming down. After a while, Vida got up, wiped the tears from her eyes and began walking again, hoping to find a place where she won't be found. Vida kept searching but there was nothing. No houses or paths. Just nature. The sky above her was cloudy and dark, the wind blew cold against Vida's bare skin. She shivered as the wind blew on her exposed flesh, she couldn't help but wonder why it didn't feel as chilly as it should be. She decided to walk a little faster so that maybe she can find somewhere warm to sleep tonight. Vida suddenly stopped when she heard footsteps coming closer to her. She held her breath, waiting. The footsteps grew louder as more people approached. It sounded like there was many of them five of them to be exact. They were definitely trying to keep quiet and not to scare Vida. One person finally came up to her closely he had blonde hair and glasses on. He slowly put his hand out and said "It will be ok little one come with us ... Please come..." Vida was hesitant but eventually gave in. Vida held the guy's hand and hesitantly allowed him to lead her away. Vida was scared for she didn't know these men. They lead her through the forest for a while, the only sounds besides their breathing were Vida' s and the man's. Suddenly they stopped walking, Vida tried to pull her hand away but the man kept holding it tighter. They were standing at the edge of a cliff and Vida could hear the sound of crashing waves below the cliff's edge, Vida was so shocked that she stopped fighting and stayed still. Seeing the waves and looking straight down suddenly scared Vida. She dropped down to the ground on her knees and cried. "Sweden why did you bring us all the way here just to scare a kid" one of them said. They must've been talking about her but Vida never took her gaze from the waves. "I didn't mean to make her so frightened!" Sweden said "Just hurry up! There is only so much time before we leave!" Another man said, the one named Denmark she quickly recognized his voice from watching the anime. Vida them looked up and said "I think I know who you guys are if I remember correctly your names are Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland the Nordic five is that correct?" Denmark nodded as he walked up to her and kneeled down in front of her so that he was level with Vida. "You really do recognize us" Denmark said with a smile on his face. Vida noticed that Denmark's smile was kind of pleasant as she could tell which country he was from just his looks. Finland was next to Denmark as he looked down at her in shock. Finland looked down at her and said "How do you know what we look like?" Finland then asked worriedly "Are you hurt or something? We didn't mean to cause you pain little one we just wanted you to know that we weren' t trying to hurt you... You just seem so frail and scared." "No I'm fine don't worry about me..." She said as she got up. She then took one step and passed out right in front of Denmark and Finland as if she had just fainted. "AHHHHHHHHHH!" Both men yelled in unison as she fell unconscious onto the ground. They both rushed forward to catch her, Denmark lifting her up in his arms. Sweden then said "Let's hurry before someone gets curious or comes up behind us and sees the unconscious child!" Everyone turned and ran back the way they had come, running in silence as Vida was laid over Denmark's shoulder.


Vida was carried in to an empty room and placed on a bed and was now asleep once again. "We'll wait till morning then we'll try to explain everything to the kid... Hopefully she'll talk to us." Said Finland "Well we could always ask Germany if he knows anyone who can help or actually know something about the kid." Finland then said as he looked out of the window at the sun rising into the sky. Vida woke up around eight o'clock after a long night. Her clothes were dirty and torn but she didn't care, instead she was feeling a lot better than yesterday. She went to the bathroom to wash her hands and face. A knock was heard on the bathroom door starling her. Vida opened the door and saw Sweden at the door . He looked at her curiously and asked "Did something happen yesterday before we found you little one?" Vida look down and said "Well I was staying over at Germany's house and Germany, Italy, Japan, America, and Russia where trying to figure out a way for me to return to my reality but they told me that it's going to be three weeks until I can return to my reality!" Sweden then sighed as he leaned against the doorframe, Vida was confused by his reaction. "Is something wrong with it?" She asked and waited for an answer. "No nothing is wrong little one." Sweden reassured Vida "Just trust me okay?" "Ok..." Vida said softly. Sweden then stepped forward and hugged Vida gently, saying "Everything's alright, I promise." Vida felt safe with Sweden hugging her, she knew that this was something Sweden would do for no reason. Vida soon pulled back and said "Thank you for comforting me Sweden." "Anything for you." Sweden said, Sweden went to the door leading outside the room. "I am sorry for passing out last night, I must have gotten tired." Vida said apologizing "Don't worry about it little one" Sweden answered "Anyway, I'll be making breakfast for you since you're awake so please make yourself comfortable, I'll be back later" Vida nodded "Yes... Thank you" Vida answered as she watched Sweden turn and leave the room. Vida closed the door and went to sit at the vanity on the other side of the room and began brushing her hair. Vida thought as she brushed "I feel like I should trust the Nordics I mean Denmark does not know that he's my favorite from the show and I don't want him to know that either." So she decided that she would keep quiet about everything and wait till it would be time for her to go. When she finished brushing her hair, she then waited for her breakfast to arrive. A knock then was herd on the door and Vida said "Come in" Denmark then entered the room and saw Vida sitting at the vanity. Denmark looked surprised for a few moments then spoke "You know you're a cute kid." "Thanks" Vida said with a smile on her face "So you are going to explain how you know about me, or more specifically about the other ones?" Denmark asked her. "Well" Vida said as she started to play with her fingers "I guess it wouldn't be fair to tell you without them, would it?" Denmark chuckled lightly "Fair enough kiddo!" he replied as he ruffled her hair abit and took a seat beside her, looking at her intently while eating some breakfast. He wasn't going to let anything distract him from his curiosity. Vida noticed this and said "Alright, first off, what do you want to know?" "Everything." Denmark responded. "Alright well... My name is Vida, I'm ten years old... I live with older my brother in my reality and I'm in a coma there!" Denmark looked at her confused "A coma? What's going on between you and your older brother?" "My brother is my best friend" Vida explained "We are super close"' "Oh I see! So what do you do for fun?" Denmark asked her "Well sometimes when my brother is in school college to be exact I'm doing school work myself and waiting for him to come home! Sometimes if he isn't too busy he comes to my room and reads to me" Vida said "That's pretty neat" Denmark said "And I love playing games with him! He is awesome at video games!" He continued to ask Vida about herself wanting to know everything he possibly could about her, Vida was happy he seemed to be taking her seriously. He wasn't treating Vida like an actual human anymore and that was good she needed someone else who understood how important the whole world was. The rest of the week flew by fast. Vida was currently laying on the bed reading a book she had borrowed from Sweden. She was enjoying the book and was getting lost in the story when she heard a knock on her door. She quickly put the book down and stood up to open the door. She was greeted by Sweden who was carrying a tray of food. "Is it alright to come in little one?" "Yes, please come in," Vida said stepping aside, he set the tray of food down on the vanity then walked over to stand behind Vida "Do you need any help?" Vida shook her head "No, thank you" and sat back down. She grabbed her sandwich and bit into it happily. Sweden looked at her and said "I got a call from Germany saying that he was looking for you he sounded worried and I believe he might actually get mad if we didn't bring you to him. I know you don't want to wait another two weeks more." Vida then looked at Sweden with tears in her eyes and said "NO!" Vida then ran out of the bedroom , almost tripping over the blanket she had fallen onto and left the room as she tried not to cry too loudly. Sweden sighed and followed after Vida. "Hey slow down" Sweden called out to her as he tried to stop her but it was too late she ran out the front door passing Denmark and Norway! "What happened?" Denmark questioned "She ran away from me, I think I made her upset..." Sweden said as Denmark ran after Vida, he caught up with her in just a couple minutes as he grabbed her arm and turned her back around. Vida looked at Denmark with teary eyes "Why? Why did you run off from Sweden?'' Denmark said as he held her shoulders shaking her slightly. Vida started crying quietly and yanked her arm out of Denmark's grip and continued to run as she cried even harder. "VIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" Denmark screamed in frustration as Vida kept on disappearing in different parts of town. Denmark couldn't believe what had just happened "I'm gonna find her! Don't worry, I won't fail to find her!" Denmark then started to shout "VIDAAAAAA!!!!" as he searched every corner of the city. Denmark was still shouting "WHERE IS SHE?!!! WHERE CAN I FIND HER?!?!?!?!" as he continued searching, he had been calling Vida's name multiple times throughout the entire city. Suddenly he heard a voice say "Denmark?" Denmark stopped searching and looked towards the sound of the voice, it was coming from a alleyway. Denmark hurriedly made his way through the alley and towards the source of the voice, the person whom had said his name was sitting on the ground staring right at him. It was Vida, Denmark knelt down next to her with relief written all over his face. "Where have you been!?" He asked frantically "I was looking for you why did you get mad at Sweden!" Vida looked down and said "He said that you guys were going to return me to Mr. Germany and I don't to go back there I want to stay with you guys some more! And when he said that he wanted to send me back to Germany I freaked out and ran away, I didn't mean to scare you like that! I am sorry for leaving, I hope you didn't get angry at Mr. Sweden too!" Denmark then looked at Vida and smiled "I will forgive you because I know that you are just worried and scared! I would never get angry at you because I know how much Mr. Sweden cares about you." Denmark said. "You sure about that" Vida said looking up to look him in the eye. "100%!" Denmark said confidently! "OH THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" Vida said with a smile on her face. They went back to the house and Sweden then apologized to her for upsetting her and she forgave him.

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