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Not a short time, five years of smooth running relationship they have established together. Every breath always laughs and grieves in honesty, never hesitates when expressing feelings. The love that he said was sincere, that was the feeling that she believed in every single phrase that her lover said to her.

However, her world suddenly changed.

Whispering voices were heard in the hall, some said that poor woman, then, why did she have such a sad fate, there were also, ouch, it must be unbearable. Maybe not whispers, the voice sounded, as if it was intentional for the woman-in-waiting to hear everything.

She was still standing, the long white dress covering the floor accompanied her to stay strong. The make up on her face was still intact, in her heart she was still waiting. Seconds turned into minutes, even as minutes passed quickly, she imagined the presence of that man every time. There was no reason for her lover not to attend, she could find no one why .

So far, he's kept his promise. Red roses are always given as a sign of affection and love. The ring had also been coiled before when the man proposed to her, now her ring finger was just waiting for her beloved lover to put the ring in front of a large audience.

Rebecca Swift is the woman's name.

She actually didn't really look forward to this day, as her mind was already thinking about the next ten years. The wait is not today, but far in the future. At the corner of those eyes, she had seen the many dreams they had shared together. However, everything had to run aground because the man she trusted didn't come, he disappeared from Rebecca's life.

I can't go on, I'm sorry.

The messy words she didn't catch meant the night they met. She thought the guy was nervous, so was she. She smiled affirmatively, the man smiled sadly. Rebecca loved this man with all her body and soul. About heart? Don't ask again.

The footsteps sounded fast, some were slow. She turned her back to all the guests present. She was not reluctant to see, but indeed like a bride and groom, standing facing forward waiting for the sweetheart.

She wasn't embarrassed, her face wasn't hot red, her skin didn't show any concern either. Rebecca only felt sad, her heart was slowly breaking when the old man in front of her saw her every now and then and finally left from her duties. She was still standing, still hoping the man was just too late.

However, it's been quite a while. Time is running out without her permission, forcing her to accept reality.

He left me.

Those words were so small that they sounded at the tip of her ears, faintly but clearly felt their way into her heart. Rebecca even forgot to blink, her tears had stopped in those beautiful eyes. No , those sad eyes.

Her parents just watched, still sitting in the front row, they were also waiting for their daughter to turn around. They are still silent, still afraid to call their child's name. Rebecca, come on home.

Really, she is very pretty now. Even without that make-up on, she was stunning. Instead, no one dared to hurt her, she didn't deserve to be hurt, let alone abandoned.

She thought about many things in the large room, she did not find fault with the man. She..

She tries to find her fault, why she was abandoned by someone who already took her heart.

Now, she could no longer endure it all. Her body suddenly shook slowly, until it was finally shaken up greatly. Rebecca cried while looking down, her heart ached as if it had been stabbed by a sharp knife. She thought her heart was bleeding, it turned out that the blood clot in her was actually broken.

The woman was crying incessantly. Day after day, month after month. Until finally those beautiful eyes could no longer contain it.

That night, she thought the light went out. She searched and groped in the dark, turning on the light on the wall in the corner of the room. She pressed the button several times, but nothing appeared. She screamed and screamed, her world was suddenly very dark. Until she finally realized, she wasn't crying anymore, but she couldn't see anything other than the memories that had passed.




Dot of life

Dot Of Life [Eng.Vers] FREENBECKY 𝙂𝙭𝙂Where stories live. Discover now