"Go to sleep boo boo, you look tired" I whispered while rubbing her back.

"No leave me?" She mumbled her eyes starting to close. "I'm here and mommy is gonna be back soon" I kiss her forehead and she fall asleep. I missed this little girl so much the past 2 weeks. When I look up, all the girls were looking at me, I look at them and waiting for them to say something.

"You are gonna be an amazing mom one day" Troian said, and the girls nodded. I blushed and look at Ava, she was sleeping peacefully her thumb in her mouth. I wouldn't mind to spend the rest of my life like that.

"What's taking Ash and Sasha so long?" Lucy asked while taking a sip of her drink.

"I don't know but Ash certainly does know where the drinks are" Marlene joked. We all laugh. That was true tho, last year we would have girls nights and just enjoy life. Most of the time Ash would be drunk and dancing all around the house and singing karaoke songs. Speaking of the devil, here she come.

"Did you drank all the bottle ?" Marlene asked while laughing. Ash shook her head laughing. After that quick moment, everyone started having their own conversation again.

"Was she okay after I left?" Ash asked sitting on the chair next to me, looking at Ava.

"She cried a little and was upset but I think she was just tired tbh" I reply to her. She looked worried. "What's wrong?"

"Do you think she feel like I rejected her? I don't want her to feel that way" she said sadly.

"Aww Ash don't worry I think she was just upset she couldn't go with you" Ash nodded.

Ashley's POV

1 hour later, we finished eating. Everyone was busy, swimming or playing basketball. Ava woke up 30 mins ago and she was still mad at me, but after I explained to her that I was just talking to Sasha, she understood. Shay and I are on the sun chair, Ava was beside me playing. She was so cute in her pink bathing suit and her cute little sun hat. Shay and I were talking about going on vacation for 2 weeks together with Ava, and I think that's a great idea. I can't wait for it. As I was in my thoughts. I heard Ava calling me.


"Yes baby girl ?" I said looking down at her. She smiled at me and pointed to the pool.

"You want to go swimming ?" I ask her unsure of what she want.

"Yes mommy pwease"

"Alright, but before we go you have to put solar cream" I said softly while taking the cream. She nodded and ran to me. I sit her down on the sun chair, and start to put the solar cream, I don't want my baby to get sun burn.

"Ava smile" Shay said to Ava, wanted to take a picture. Ava smile showing her teeth.

"Say hi to snapchat boo boo" Ava loved taking videos, so I decided it was okay to have her our snapchat stories but not too much, just letting my fans know how we are doing.

"Hi the chat" Ava said excitedly! Shay and I laugh because she couldn't say snapchat, and get frustrated so she renamed it the chat.

"Mommy we go now" Ava said turned herself to see me and clapping her hands.

"Yes we can go now" I laughed. We stand up and Ava stopped to ran to Shay. I watched as she stood there timidly. She poke Shay's arms. Shay turn her head and smile at her.

"You are not going to swim with mommy? " Shay ask softly.

"Minnie no go swim" she said handing Minnie to Shay.

"Do you want me to keep her while you're in the pool boo boo ? " Ava nodded.

"Yes twank you" she hug Shay. She was running back to me when she remember she forgot her ritual with Shay. So she ran back to her.

"Shay shay, kisses" Ava told Shay excitedly. 2 weeks ago they created a ritual, everytime they leave each other, Shay would kiss Ava's forehead, right and left cheek and then hug her! So she did, and Ava was smiling like she always do when they do that. I love watching them together, Shay is so good with kids and especially Ava, I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with the two of them. Ava run back to me and I get in the water first and take her in my arms. She started to splash her feets in the water, smiling at me. We stayed on the pool for another 1 hour and Ava was getting tired so we got out and I wrapped her with a towel.

"Do you want some water? " I ask, sitting her on my lap. She nodded. I took her bottle of water and hand it to her, she take it and drink it while watching the others play. The boys were still playint basketball, Lucy, Troian and Marlene were talking and Troian was playing with the dog. It was starting to get late and Ava was getting tired so I say goodbye to everyone, and Ava did too, after she did her ritual with Shay, we could finally go.

Ava fell asleep on the ride back home, so I took her in my arms and changed her into her pj's and tucked her in her bed. I took a long bath and changed into a short and tank top to sleep. When I was going to fall asleep, I heard Ava crying and heard footsteps coming my way, I stoop up to open the door and she throw herself into my arms.

"Mommy" she cried into my shoulder. "Minnie lost" she sobbed taking a grip on my shirt. Then I remembered Shay still have it. Omg it's 10pm, Shay is probably sleeping.

"Shhh, calm down" I said rubbing her back. "You gave it to shay shay remember?" She nodded a little still crying. "How about we call shay shay and ask if we can go ?"

"Minnie" she said sadly. I take my phone and facetime Shay. She pick up after two minutes, as soon as she saw Ava crying she got worried.

"Ava boo boo why are you crying?" Shay cooed.

"Minnie" Ava said in her tiny voice. Shay's eyes widened.

"Omg, I totally forgot I have it" Shay said while getting up her bed. "I'll be there in 10 mins"

"Shay no, I can come"

"I won't let you drive this late, I'll be there soon okay ?

"Alright be safe okay ?" I said worriedly. Ava was just watching, don't know what's going on, still having a grip on my shirt. Shay nodded on the phone and hang up.

"Shay shay will be here in 10 mins baby, try to calm down" I said softly while standing up, with Ava in my arms.

10 minutes later,

Ava and I were on the couch, she was cuddling into me with her head on my chest, rubbing her eyes tiredly. Right as I was going to say something, Shay knocked and use her key to open the door.

"We are on the couch" I said loudly so she could hear me. I hear her footsteps coming our way. She sit up beside Ava and I.

"Look who I've got" Shay take Minnie out of her purse and making her move in front of Ava to make her smile, and it work. Ava took Minnie et throw herself into Shay's arms.

"Twank you" Ava said in her baby voice.

"You're welcome princess" Shay hugged back.

After that little problem, everything was fixed, Ava was tucked in bed with now Minnie and I put her night light in case. I didn't want to let Shay drive back home this late so I offer her to sleep here, which she accepted. Shay and I made our way to my bed, and get under the blanket.

"Thank you so much for tonight Shay, you're amazing with her" I said cuddling into Shay, with my head on her chest like we usually do on set when we are tired. She put her arm around my waist and whispered.

"You're welcome, I would do anything for both of you, goodnight Ash"

"Goodnigh Shay"

Adopted by Ashley BensonWhere stories live. Discover now