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Atlanta, Georgia
SHANIA HAD JUST LEFT her sister's room and was in her room sitting at her desk trying to get her assignments done, sliding a hand over her face she groaned, school was hard and she hated it but,  she wanted to make sure that she'd be able to take care of her family, even if shéyaa had them all set she wanted to know that she'd be able to help her brother out.

Shania's phone rang disrupting her thoughts she picked it up seeing "unknown caller" she got confused, after a few second of it ringing finally realizing it was Leland she felt dumb and answered the phone seeing Leland she smiled "heyy" she said propping her phone on her lamp "hey, watchu doing?" he asked watching shania intentley "uh just some assignments I'm finishing up, you?" she said the computer light illuminating her smooth dark skin "chillin, talking to you" he said "ughh, I need a drink and some food" shania groaned laying back in her chair "hold on." shania said getting up going to the bathroom, Leland hated that he watched shania's body moved up and down, he hated what he was thinking.

"Ok hi" shania said wiping her hands in her shorts "hi" Leland said swallowing the lump in his throat, trying to shake away his perverted thoughts away "what should I cook?" shania asked leaning on her desk looking at the beautiful man on the other end of the phone "what you feel like eating ma?" Leland asked the younger "Ion know yet." shania said as made her way out of her room then downstairs, into her kitchen she set her phone on a vase that was in the middle of the island

Leland watched as shania cut the veggies "you're good at that" he said "I took cutlenry classes like a year ago, was strict as hell, i hated them niggas" shania huffed as Leland just laughed "shut up." shania smiled "who you talking to?" shayla asked "what the fuckk" shania said holding on to her chest as shayla peered over at the phone "oh my bad" shayla said softly smiling at her sister "I'm making food." shania said to her sister as she watched her plop down in the couch she frowned "you ok?" Leland asked seeing shania's facial expression change "mhm, i'm fine".

Shania was now on her bed still on the phone with Leland in complete silence enjoying each other's presence "shania?" Leland questioned "hm?" shania replied raising the screen to her face "what you doing Tomorrow night?" He asked nervously "probably assignments, why?" shania chuckled "can I pick you up at like seven?" Leland asked looking every where but the phone, shania froze for a second "yea." she said grinning "great" Leland let out a breath.

"Hey Leland, I think I'm gonna go to bed i'm tired" Shania said rubbing her eyes "ight good night ma" Leland said "Good night, see you tomorrow" shania smiled hanging up, she put her phone down on her nightstand, flufed her pillow and laid her head on it she was definitely not gonna fall asleep that easy tonight.

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Short chapter will be doing longer ones anyway lmk your thoughtsss and don't forget to vote and comment love you💕!

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