The Day I Said I Love You For the First Time

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I walked back with a bag,full of everything I will need. "Ok,are you ready to go?" I asked "yes,get me out of here,it smells." she complained,we both laughed.

We were at the apartment,and I rolled her in,she still had trouble walking but the Sean,just learned his name,said if we praticed walking she will be able to walk. "home sweet home!" Ruby squealed. Then I saw rose petals,and smelt candles. I looked at Ruby she was smiling. she knew. I gasped,hitting her shoulder. Then I heard a knock on the door,then Tom walked in going for Ruby. He smirked at me,and rolled Ruby out of there. Before leaving,he turned to me and said "Have fun,and if he does anything tell me and I will hurt him myself." I couldn't tell if he was joking but he walked off and closed the door.

I walked following the rose petals. I opened the door,no one was in there. Then I walked in and saw a card,and picked it up. 'Hallo Eleanor. I bet your wondering where i'm at,go to the food place where you and Ruby ended up your first time here.' it wrote. Hm,I smiled at the card and I walked out ot the kitchen and grabbed my keys,and started my car.

When I got there I saw the store, I parked out front and saw the kind lady that helped us when we got here,I still come here whenever we need food,she was smiling,holding something in her hands. "Du hast nicht gesagt, dass du einen Freund hast." 'You didn't say you had a boyfriend.' she slying said. "I didn't understand her,I looked at her confused. "I forgot you didn't know german,you didn't say you had a boyfriend." she said slying once again her heavy german accent came through. "oh,well we're not dating this is our first date." I said blushing. She handed me the thing in her hands. "You can go change in the bathroom." She happily said. "hey tell me how it goes." she said smiling handing me a piece of paper. I go to the bathroom and change into a light purple long with a long slit,puffy sleeves. I loved it,and some black heels with some jewels on it,they were beautiful,and then some clips to be put in my hair. Then the lady came in and saw me she looked like she wanted to cry. She helped me put the clips in my hair,they were butterflies,and she put my hair up and tired to style it. I couldn't believe it,and the lady was smiling and crying. We got close and I was there for her when she lost her husband and her child getting taken away, I held her while she cried,she was a mom figure to me. She put her hand on my shoulder and i put my hand on her hand, wiping away tears. "oh baby you look so beautiful,he's a lucky guy." She said "oh and he didn't pick that I did." she laughed,and so did I. Then she gave me a card,and she smiled,nodding.

I was going to the park,then I saw the same rose petals,and candles lighting the way to where Bill was waiting,I saw him. He was wearing a light purple suit. I laughed when I saw him,he looked at me like I was the only girl left in the world,he was shellshocked.

                              (Bill's Pov)

I was nervous,waiting for her. Wearing my stupid suit,but it matched her dress and the lady at store really loved her,so I let her pick my suit. Tom saw it and laughed,I found it cute,I get why Eleanor loves her.
Then I heard footsteps,then I saw her.
I might of had a bunch of girl fans but she was the only girl I wanted,she looked stunning in purple. The dress fit her prefect,and I couldn't take my eyes off her while she walked down. She was so beautiful it felt like I didn't desevre her,and I didn't but she choose me,I thought she was going to go for Tom since Tom always got the beautiful ladies but here we are,I got her,and I felt like the luckest guy in the world. When she got down here,she smiled that pretty smile,even though she always hid it,I loved it. "hallo,darling." I said looking her up and down. "hello,you scared me when I didn't see you." She laughed "didn't mean to scare you,darling." I said  flirtatious. She always folded when I called her darling. Then I walked her to the blanket I set up. "This place looks so pretty at night." Eleanor said looking around. "Yes it looks different,but I got some food." I said,she turned to me. I brought out some food,and some red wine. "wow red wine?" She questioned but laughed. "yes,only the best for my darling." I said grabbing two glasses.

                        (Eleanor's Pov)

I watched as Bill poured us drinks,he was staring at me like I was the only girl in the world,but their were prettier girls,but he wanted me. Bill handed me a glass,and I took a little sip,and Bill took a big sip. I laughed, he just looked at me. "what?" he asked, I put the glass down. "uh,i'm not the biggest drinker,I only have drank with Ruby. I only like being drunk with people i'm comfortable with." I said looking at the grass. I looked at him,he looked hurt,he put down his glass,and sighed. "oh,okay" He said with pain. "Bill,there's a reason." I said,He looked up at me. It hurt when I bring this up,but I feel comfortable with him. "When,I first got here,me and Ruby when to a bar and we got drunk,and we lost each other. I walked around but made a wrong turn and." I paused,he looke worried. I was crying,but looked away. He waited,he didn't want me to feel uncomfortable. "I bumped into a group of guys an-dd, um I was raped." I said looking at the ground,his faced dropped,but I saw anger in his eyes. He tlited up my chin and wiped my tears away. "hey,its okay. You dom't have to drink,and I won't either." Bill said reassuring me,and holding me. "no I don't want to ruin the night." I said grabbing my glass and gulping it down. "Omg Eleanor." Bill said he sounded shocked. "Maybe I shouldn't of done that." I said laughing trying to drown the guilt. I poured myself another glass and gave him more. I took a sip,drinking this one slowly,and Bill took little sips.

I was drunk as fuck and so was Bill ,we were laughing like a bunch of idiots. "hey Eleanor,I think I love you." Bill said drunkly,I look at him and smile "I think I love you too." I said shocking myself,and
Bill. I leaned in and kissed him,I got on top of him,I felt comfortable,and I love him. We made out for hours in the park until Tom came to get us. He laughed at us for being so drunk. He pick me up and helped me walk and Bill keep falling but getting up until he made it to the car, Tom put me in the back, and I fell asleep.

All I remeber was waking up in my bed with the worse headache then I look over and see,some painkillers,a cup of water,and a card. The hand writing so bad,but I could tell it out. 'thanks for the amazing date,you look beautiful I Love you. -Bill' it wrote,I laughed because of how many spelling mistakes there were.

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