Dragon Heart, episode 10

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Episode 10

On the wall in John's room, a new electronic clock is seen hanging. The time is a half-hour past nine and John is shown sleeping soundly in his bed. He doesn't look ready to wake up any time soon but luckily for him, he has someone there to get him up for him. His hand pulsing, Red then says, "John, young John wake up. John!"

John groggily opens his eyes then groans and says, "What is it Red?"

"It is a half-hour to ten John."

John closes his eyes again and says, "And why should I care about that and not go back to sleep?"

"Because your date with young Aeris is imminent! If you do not move with post-haste, you will be late!"

John then proceeds to nestle himself further into his bed, replying, "That's cool. Wake me up in an hour or two."

It takes only five seconds later for him to realize exactly what Red just said and he jumps out of bed, yelling, "Oh crap! I'm gonna be late!"

John then starts moving at super-speed and gets ready for the day. As he finishes and reaches for the door, Red suddenly says, "Wait, John, are you certain in your choice to don yourself in your usual accouterment? Should you not be doing your best to look as presentable as you can?"

John looks down at his hand a little stumped and says back, "I'm going to assume that word means clothes and, well, it's not like I have any other clothes to wear. But besides, Aeris will probably have on her usual battle-ready get up as well. We are going to be away from the house after all."

"Hmm, your logic is sound. I suppose you should be fine then." Both in agreement and not a word more spoken, John then exits his room.

Walking down the hallway, John heads into the living room where he finds Aby relaxing on one of the couches. John walks over and says, "Morning Aby."

Aby opens her eyes and smiles as she sees him, responding, "Oh hey John. I was wondering when you were gonna get up. So are you ready for today?"

Confident that he has everything he needs, John readily replies, saying, "Yeah, I'm all good to go." He then begins to look around and asks, "So do you know where Aeris is?"

Aby points down the hallway John just came in from and says, "Yeah, she's still getting ready in her room."

John appears puzzled by something she said and asks, "Still? How long ago did she start?"

Aby looks at her hand to count then looks back up and says, "I'd say about an hour or so."

Going from puzzled to confused, John says back, "Thirty minutes? I know people like to make fun of how girls take a long time to get ready but that still seems like a long time. Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing's wrong at all," she giggles. "In fact, I actually expected this would happen."

Feeling better that Aby said that, John then checks the time using his lenses heads-up display and says, "Well I guess I'll just wait for her here then."

John sits down in a nearby chair and begins waiting. Some time passes in silence between him and Aby but it doesn't last long. Having an urge to ask him more questions, Aby doesn't resist and sits up and looks directly at him. "So are you nervous at all?"

Successfully getting his attention, John meets her eyes with his and replies, "Yeah, a little. I've never been on a date before."

Cheerfully smiling being the thing she's best at, Aby smiles again at him and decides to tell him something to help aid his worry. "Well don't worry about it too much. Aeris likes you so even if you screw up it'll be fine. And besides, this is Aeris's first date as well."

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