Chapter 20

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Chishiya POV

"I think the Witch is Momoka." I said making Kuina look puzzled, "So she killed herself?" Looking at me, "It's either her or one of the executives." She nodded. "Wait, why do you think it's her?" She asked, "She is already dead, yet not been thrown on the fire, but again. Because of the power, it could also be an executive." I expected. "Oh!" She said looking at me, "I will find Ann!" I gave her a puzzled look, but nodded, she smiled and ran away.

People had started to run back into the main lobby, soon after Kuina had left to find Ann. Aguni and his lackeys were ready to shoot the people in the lobby, "kill 'em all." He said in a cold tone, but for once they didn't do as he said, they were hesitating.

"I-" one of the militants started, he looked like he was on the verge of tears, "I can't do this anymore.." he said as he started to cry, tears streaming down his face. The guy beside him in a green T-shirt quickly responded to him. "We've got no choice." And the other continued sobbing. The green T-shirt guy took a moment to breathe before continuing. "We'll never be the same again after killing so many people.." his voice was breaking, but Aguni had enough, he kicked him in the knee making him collapse to the ground. "Did you hear me?." Aguni continued in a threatening manner, pointing his gun at the guy on the floor. "JUST SHOOT ME THEN!" He screamed.

Arisu POV

"THATS ENOUGH!" I shouted grabbing everyone's attention, I had my arm around Tatta and Usagi made sure I didn't trip. I started to walk further, Tatta following making sure to keep me up, I quickly scanned the room, since I felt a pair of eyes on me and I couldn't pinpoint from where, I quickly chose to ignore it for now. "This ends now," I said, people moved to make room for me. "You... You had me tied up the whole time" I said somewhat not believing it, I was breathing heavily, and I removed my arm from Tatta and continued walking a bit. "When the murder happens, that's where I was. So that means that you know that... That I can't be the witch" I was still breathing heavily, Aguni didn't respond he just stared at me, I started to walk closer up to him continuing to speak. "And if you aren't the witch, you don't need to kill me. Just work with me and we'll find the witch!" I said trying to convince him.

He didn't say anything and started walking up to me, suddenly with the hand he held the gun with he hit me making me groan, and not having time to react he hit me again making me almost fall. "ARISU!" I hear Usagi until I feel a force pushing me to the ground, Usagi ran up informing trying to stop Aguni from coming closer "Stop it!" she said before she let out a weak ish screen as she was pushed to the ground, Aguni grabbed me and dragged up back up and let out a grunt. "I KNOW EVERYTHING!" Usage yelled grabbing Aguni's attention "You're going after Arizu even though you know he didn't do it." she took a break before continuing, "And that's... Because you're the witch!" Aguni was quiet for a moment before hitting me again in the head making me stumble over to Usagi. "Arisu!" she quickly grabbed onto me, "are ya... The witch?" a guy asked, and the guy with the green striped T-shirt was helped up, and everyone was waiting silently for a response "Yes." he paused "I'm the witch," he said, no one said anything, but you could hear the breathing.

The militants quickly pointed their guns at him. Aguni turned to them and slowly started to walk toward them, he let go of the gun. The gun makes a thud on the floor. Once Aguni was close enough, the guy with the striped shorts held the gun to his head. The guy who was crying is pointing it at his chest. "Go ahead" When they didn't shoot quickly got impatient. "DO IT" he shouted the time. "Well, Shoot him!" but before anyone could. I spoke up. "AGUNI IS NOT THE WITCH" I shouted getting everyone's attention "It's a ten of hearts game! It plays with you're feelings and you're emotions! You're not gonna win by killing Aguni, that's not the way this game works." I said, making Aguni turn to me. I still laying down holding myself up with my arms with the help of Usagi.

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