Chapter 1

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Thursday the first of June, D-29 until the tournament
7 am, West Gerudo Desert :

"Uhf.. Uhf.. I can.. do it.. Poke-ball..Go...!"

Someone threw a poke-ball.
Aw..! The wild Sandile broke free!

"I can't.. Ufh.. Do it anymore..."

Someone fainted in the sand. A bit after a group of Gerudo guards found this stranger and took her to their nursery. Three hours later the figure woke up, the nurse checked on her in case and gave her some Chilly Elixir before telling her the chief wanted to see her. Once she gathered all of her stuff and drank one of the elixir, the figure went to the throne room. She bowed down in front of the Gerudo chief before speaking.

"Hello my lady, I was told that you wanted to speak to me?"

"Indeed. But let's not skip the formalities, I am Urbosa chief of the Gerudo, what is your name little one?"

"My name is Lavinia. Pleasure to meet you."

"Pleasure shared. So, Lavinia, what were you doing in the desert so far away from the city or from Kara Kara Bazaar? Usually the travelers stick to these places. We found you knocked out in the west of the desert with no heat protection on you! Do you realise how dangerous that is?"

A moment of silence took place before Lavinia answered.

"No, I was fine until the sun decided t show up. But thanks for your concern, the nurse gave me some elixir. I was tryind to catch a Sandile but I failed and I think you know the rest."

Urbosa looked at her shocked before laughing greatly.

"Well, if you want I can help you catch this Sandile. But on one condition."

"What condition?"

"You will help me catch a wild Dedenne that keeps making choas on my town. When you do come seek me here and we'll go in the desert, I'll teach you some basics. Do we have a deal?"

"Yes! I'll catch this troublemaker in an instant you'll see!"

"Haha! I'll be waited for your quick return then."

Lavinia gave Urbosa a thumbs up before running of to seek the wild pokemon. Urbosa quietly laughed to herself when she saw Lavinia rush to do her quest.
On the other side of the city Lavinia analyzed the situation and concluded that Dedenne was a fan of watermelon and zapshroom, so she bought some and attracted the little beast to a secluded side of the city. There she cornered it with her Deino and battled it, after the Dedenne was very low on his Health Points, Lavinia threw a great-ball at it and caught it. She celebred her victory with her dearest friend and immiediatly runned back to the throne room where Urbosa was, her Deino following her as fast as it could.

"I did it! I caught your troublemaker! And super fast might I add"

Urbosa smiled at Lavinia childish attitude and stop her guards from reprimanding her with a sign of the hand.

"Well in that case I think we can go to the desert now! Let me get ready and we'll be on our way."

Lavinia looked at her intrigued. Urbosa prepared herself and lead Lavinia to a small house that served as a watchtower. She gave made sure Lavinia had poke-ball and they searched for a Sandile in the desert. After a while they found one and Urbosa started to explain everything to Lavinia.

"Okay so first to catch a pokemon you will want it to have lower HP, HP stands for Health Points. To see how weak pokemon's HP are you can either use a pokedex, a little miracle of technology made by the sheikah but it cost quite the money so another technique would to simply look at the pokemon, pokemons are more tired when they have low HP."

"Okay.. So right now I just have to tell Deino to attack it?"

"Exactly, then you can throw a pokeball!"

"Uh, kinda like how I caught Dedenne! Okay I got this, Deino use tackle!"

Deino executed and when the Sandile ennemy was low enought, Lavinia threw a poke-ball.
Caught! Sandile joined the team!

Lavinia stood there before happily hugging her Deino.

"We did it Deino! We caught our first pokemon! Well second but that doesn't matter-" She turned to Urbosa
"Thank you lady Urbosa! I would'nt have been capable of doing it without you!"

"Now, now, you did all the work yourself and seemed to already know what to do, the credit is all yours."

"Yes but you gave me the confidence to do it, it makes all the difference!"

Urbosa looked at Lavinia and smiled, she smiled back at her.

"Hey do you want to sit and talk for a bit at the watchtower?" Urbosa proposed

"Yeah why not!"

They went back to the watchtower while tchatting a bit. Lavinia was a bit surprised about Urbosa's offer but the chief was a nice person so far and didn't seem to want to cut Lavinia's head so it was fine. They sat near a cooking pot and fired it, after a while of getting to know each other Lavinia asked a question to Urbosa :

"Say why are you so friendly to me? Not that I mind, I enjoy the time we spend together and you being friendly is a nice surprise but I don't know I'm not used to making friends -If that's even what we are- especially not with the chief of a town so yeah hehe.." She laughed akwardly, rubbing her neck from embarrassement.

Urbosa was a bit took back by her question but she knew this question was to come.

"Honestly at first when I saw you this afternoon I was rather irritated to know someone could be as inconscious as you, but I appreciated your honesty back then so I decided to help. Not for free of course, I really needed help with that Dedenne thanks you. I think you're an interesting person and we've talked for about an hour or so now and I really like talking to you so far. There's no deep reason or anything I just like your personnality." Urbosa smiled at Lavinia.

"I see... That's.. a really nice feeling thanks." She paused for a second "Sooooo... friends?"


They both giggled and kept chatting. After a while since it was getting late Urbosa cooked them some meat and mushroom skewer. They happily ate, glad that Urbosa had packed some food in her bag. They kept on talking before saying their goodbyes and going to sleep, one at a stable and the other at her house.

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