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AJ Lee: (Hears phone ringing.)

AJ Lee: Um, hello?

Triple H: Hey AJ.

AJ Lee: Triple H?

Triple H: I'm calling you because I want to know where you are?

AJ Lee: I'm at my house, why?

Triple H: Because you are suspended for 3 weeks after the brawl backstage that happened on Monday.

AJ Lee: Did you also suspended Nikki too?

Triple H: Yes, but for two weeks.

AJ Lee: Two weeks? How come I get suspended for three weeks, and she gets suspended for two weeks?

AJ Lee: Nikki crossed the line, by bringing up my family, so I had no choice.

Triple H: I know, I would honestly do the same thing, if somebody brought up my family.

Triple H: I suspended Nikki for two weeks because, she has to defend her title against Paige at Battleground.

AJ Lee: I knew it, I knew Paige was going to get another shot at Nikki for the Divas Championship.

Triple H: I hope you understand the consequences, okay?

AJ Lee: Okay.

Triple H: Bye.

AJ Lee: Wait before you hang up, I got a question.

Triple H: Yes?

AJ Lee: Will I challenge Nikki for the Divas Championship at Summerslam?

Triple H: I have no idea, but for now get some rest to get ready to return in a couple of weeks, okay?

AJ Lee: Okay.

Triple H: Bye.

Triple H: (Hangs up.)

Unfinished Business. Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora