Monday Night Raw 6/15/2015: Brock Lesnar Returns.

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Triple H: Ladies and gentleman, I want to be here because I'm here to announce Seth Rollins' next challenger for the WWE Championship at Battleground.

Seth Rollins: (Music starts playing.)

(Crowd starts booing.)

Seth Rollins: So, who's my next challenger?

Triple H: It's someone who lost the WWE Championship at WrestleMania.

Seth Rollins: Roman Reigns?

Triple H: No, who was the champion before you cashed in your Money in the Bank briefcase at WrestleMania?

Seth Rollins: No, you mean.

Triple H: Yes.

Brock Lesnar: (Music starts playing.)

(Crowd starts cheering.)

Michael Cole: Oh my god!

JBL: Is he here?

Brock Lesnar: (With Paul Heyman.)

Michael Cole: He's here, it's the beast, Brock Lesnar.

Brock Lesnar: (Gets in the ring.)

Paul Heyman: We'll see you at Battleground.

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