Money in the Bank 2015: Nikki Bella vs Paige.

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Lillan Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the Divas Championship.

Paige: (Music starts playing.)

Lillan Garcia: Introducing first, the Challenger, from Norwich, Engl and, Paige.

Michael Cole: Paige with a golden opportunity to take back her championship from current champion, Nikki Bella.

JBL: It's not going to be that easy, Nikki Bella has been on a different level, ever since winning the Divas Championship at Survivor Series.

Michael Cole: It has been over 200 days since Nikki has held the Divas Championship.

Paige: This is my house!

Nikki Bella: (Music starts playing.)

Lillan Garcia: And her oppenent, from Scottsdale, Arizona, she is the divas champion, Nikki Bella.

Michael Cole: And ladies and gentleman, Nikki Bella has held the Divas Championship for over 200 Days and counting, but will Paige end her reign tonight?

(9 Minutes Later.)

Paige and Nikki Bella: (Fall off the ring.)

Brie Bella: I got you Nikki.

Brie and Nikki: (Switch Spots.)

(Crowd starts booing.)

Michael Cole: Ladies and gentleman, that is Brie Bella.

Michael Cole: And now Paige rolling up Brie Bella.

Referee: 1!,..2!,..3!

Michael Cole: Paige got her, Paige has pinned Brie.

Lillan Garcia: Here is your winner, and ne-

Brie Bella: I'm Brie, not Nikki.

Referee: Continue the Match, don't give her the title.

Paige: What!?

Paige: (Kicks Brie in the face.)

Michael Cole: Hey, watch Nikki.

Nikki Bella: (Forearm Smashes Paige.)

Nikki Bella: (Sets up Paige for the Rack Attack.)

Michael Cole: And Nikki setting up Paige for the Rack Attack.

Divas: Wait, so Nikki is going to retain?

Divas: Yep.

Divas: (See someone very familiar.)

AJ Lee: Not Bad.

Divas: Wait, What?, AJ?

AJ Lee: Yeah?

Natalya: Holy cow, you grew even taller, but how?

Naomi: Girl, you look even stronger than ever.

Referee: 1!,..2!,..3!

(Bell Rings.)

Lillan Garcia: Here is your winner, and still the Divas Champion, Nikki Bella.

JBL: That had to be a disqualfication, there's no way that match continues.

Michael Cole: Well even if it was a disqualfication, it will be the same result and Nikki would still retain her title.

Nikki Bella: Thank you, Brie.

Brie: You're welcome, Nikki.

AJ Lee: It's time.

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